Wednesday 28 September 2016

Rhiannon Elandris of Glyndyfyrdwy, Court Barony, 2016

Due commendations and greetings from Thomas Byron and Ariella, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc by right of Arms, to Our right trusty and well beloved Rhiannon Elandris of Glyndyfyrdwy. Whereas by the advice of those men and women with whom we have utmost trust, and in recognition of the decades of service which you have done for Shire, Barony, Canton, Principality and Kingdom, while upon horse or upon foot, we are minded to surround Ourselves with such barons as shall give us council in certain arduous and urgent and serious affairs concerning Us and the defense of Our Kingdom, that We command that you, waiving all excuses, place personally yourself before Us that we may make you a Baron of Our Court in recognition of the Service which you have done for more than a generation of souls within Our society. This act We do with joy in Our hearts on the 9th day of August, two score and eleven years after wise elders met at Mistland's Tourney, from which all days are numbered.

Wording by Baron Caleb Reynolds, inspired by Summons of a Baron to Parliament (1295).

Sunday 11 September 2016

Rhoswyn Gwynedd, Award of the Maiden’s Heart, 2016

Strong sacrifice is the strength (not in oppressor’s battle
But in ethereal miracles),
Highly-praised renowned gathering place, pure its essence,
Is the domain built by Rhoswyn Gwynedd.

Since I am song’s steward I will make a declamation of praise
To the works of this glorious lady,
Where the words collected rival the pleasures of Annwn,
Sparkling like spray from Owain’s fountain.

Nigel the King, Adrielle the Queen, brought to Rhoswyn renown,
It is made of a heart of the maiden,
A sign that none shall be o’erlooked in their kingdom
Fine is the golden wise pillar of the Wolf.

As our poet has related, so do we Nigel and Adrielle, King and Queen of Ealdormere, bestow upon Rhoswyn Gwynedd our Award of the Maiden’s Heart for her work as webminister and exchequer. Done while sitting Our thrones in Our canton of Ardchreag at the War of the Trillium on the feast day of Euddogwy in the fifty-first year of the Society.

Wording by THLaird Colyne Stewart, based on the Welsh poem I’r Grog o Gaer (To the Rood at Carmarthen) by Dafydd ap Gwilym.

Annwn was the Underworld, a place of delights, a paradise.

Owain’s fountain is a reference to “Owain, of the Lady of the Fountain”.