Tuesday 6 November 2018

Friend of the Hare Award for the Barony of L’Île du Dragon Dormant, 2018

To all those present and to come to whom these presents shall come, and in particular our noble and worthy cousins to the east, the Baronesses Jeanne and Genovefa of L’Île du Dragon Dormant, from their humble and loving cousins, Avelyn and Dafydd of Skraeling Althing, warmest greetings and affection.
It has long been known, recognized, and understood the depth and strength of the bonds that connect the land of the Hare with that of the Dragon Dormant, even before the latter was given the honour of the baronial coronet. Though divided by geography and the occasional armed conflict, Our two baronies have long been united through the shared history and tradition of hospitality, given freely and warmly throughout the years.
Indeed, though your fighters have long proven worthy adversaries to the armies of the Hare, your merchants – who do business and trade under the auspices of Saint Hubert – have long received Us and Our subjects and kept Us rich in wool and linen. Through it all, you, your subjects, and your ancestors have stood as Our allies, Our friends, Our most frequent visitors.
Noble cousins of the Citie of Islands: we would share not only the great river of Saint Laurent that runs through both our lands, but the bounty of our friendship. To that end, from this, the first day of Our tenure on the High Seats of Skraeling Althing, who have it proclaimed throughout our host, that we recognize The Barony of L’Île du Dragon Dormant as a Friend of the Hare. Let this friendship be remembered through all the years, and by all peoples!
Done on the Feast of St. Domnus of Vienne, in our Hall at Feast of the Hare, in the 53rd Year of the Society.
Laissez-nous serrer les mains ensemble; pour ce on se souvient:
Que l'on soit un Dragon ou un Lièvre, l’honneur reconnaît le sien.*

Wording by TH Lord Dietrich von Sachsen.
*(Let us clasp hands together; for this we remember:)
(Be thee a Dragon or a Hare, honor recognizes its own.)

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