Saturday 22 February 2020

Thord Lotharson, Award of the Maiden's Heart

There once was a fighter named Thord,
Who fought with a big axe and sword.
He’d fight all the day
In every which way
So he joined the barbarian horde.

In the Shire did Thord make his home,
But not wanting to be all alone,
When newcomers approached,
In combat he coached,
A made his techniques then their own.

Thus did new fighters he train,
To fight well upon Trino’s plain,
He’d marshal the practice
And Winter War’s fracas,
And we call this a hobby – how insane!

So Kaylah, the Queen of the Land,
Said to Thord as did gallant Trumbrand –
For the fighting art
Award We Maiden’s Heart
Given now from own seal and hand.

Done this day, the 28th of September, Anno Societatis LIV.

Wording by Dietrich von Sachsen.

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