With grace and dignity do we, Velikii Knyaz
Siegfried and Velikii Knyagina Xristina, call before us Pesha, known as
Gypsy. Her skill at dance, needle crafts
and in persona research are known throughout Our kingdom and those of many of
Our royal cousins. Therefore, at the
counsel of the kniaz and posadniks and people of Ealdormere, it is ordained and
commanded by Us that Pesha be at once admitted into Our most noble Order of the
Crucible. And if it happen that any kniaz or posadnik or other member of the
populace, do go against this, Our royal decree, that such person, by assent of
our boyars, shall pay a fee equal to their station. This we proclaim at Tournoi
du Coeur des Glace, in Our shire of Bastille du Lac on the fourth day of the
second month of the fifty-first year of the society.
Wording by TH Laird Colyne Stewart, based on the Statuta Armorum, c.