Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 605 (9 Jan.). Æthelberht, king of the English, to the church of SS Peter and Paul (St Augustine's), Canterbury; grant of land at Sturry alias Chislet, Kent.



Rex Anglorum Æthelbertus , misericordia omnipotentis Dei catholicus, omnibus sue gentis fidelibus et aduentum gloriee magni Dei et saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi beata spe expectantibus salutem uiteque eternae beatitudinem. Largiente summi regis clementia ego Athelbertus , in solio paterno confirmatus paceque diuinitus concessa eo iam per decem quinquennia sceptrigera potestate potitus et per uenerabiles sacre fidei doctores spiritus sancti gratia irradiatus, ab errore falsorum deorum ad unius ueri Dei cultum toto corde conuersus, ne ingratus beneficiorum appaream illi a cuius sancta sede nobis in regione umbre mortis sedentibus lux ueritatis emicuit, inter alias quas fabricaui ecclesias monitu et hortatu beatissimi pape Gregorii et sancti patris nostri Augustini , ipsi beatissimo apostolorum principi Petro et doctori gentium Paulo monasterium a fundamentis construxi illudque terris uariisque possessionum donariis decorare studui inibique monachos Deum timentes aggregari feci et cum consilio eiusdem reuerentissimi archipresulis Augustini ex suo sancto sanctorum collegio uenerabilem uirum secum ab apostolica sede directum Petrum monachum elegi eisque ut ecclesiasticus ordo exposcit abbatem preposui. Hoc igitur monasterium ad prouectum debiti culminis promouere desiderans suarumque possessionum terminos dilatare gestiens, sana mente integroque consilio cum Eadbaldi filii mei aliorumque nobilium optimatum meorum consensu, ob redemptionem anime mee et spem retributionis eterne, optuli ei etiam uillam nomine Sturigao alio nomine dictum Cistelet cum omnibus redditibus ei iure competentibus, cum mancipiis, siluis, cultis uel incultis pratis, pascuis, paludibus, fluminibus et contiguis ei maritimis terminis eam ex una parte cingentibus, omnia mobilia uel immobilia in usus fratrum sub regulari tramite et monastica religione inibi Deo seruientium. Missurium etiam argenteum, scapton aureum, iterum sellam cum freno auro et gemmis exornatam, speculum argenteum, armilcaisia oloserica, camisiam ornatam, quod mihi xenium de domno papae Gregorio sedis apostolice directum fuerat, quae omnia supradicto monasterio gratanter optuli. Quod etiam monasterium ipse seruus Dei Augustinus sanctorum apostolorum ac martyrum reliquiis uariisque ecclesiasticis ornamentis ab apostolica sede sibi transmissis copiose ditauit seseque in ea et cunctos successores suos ex auctoritate apostolica sepeliri precepit, scriptura dicente, Non esse ciuitatem mortuorum sed uiuorum.1 Ubi etiam mihi et successoribus meis sepulturam prouidi, sperans me quandoque ab ipso apostolici ordinis principe, cui Dominus potestatem ligandi atque soluendi dedit et claues regni celorum tradidit,2 a peccatorum nexibus solui et eterne beatitudinis ianuam introduci. Quod monasterium nullus episcoporum, nullus successorum meorum regum in aliquo ledere aut inquietare presumat, nullam omnino subiectionem in ea sibi usurpare audeat, sed abbas ipse qui ibi fuerit ordinatus intus et foris cum consilio fratrum secundum timorem Dei libere eam regat et ordinet, ita ut in die Domini dulcem illam piissimi redemptoris nostri uocem mereatur audire dicentis, Euge serue bone et fidelis, quia super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam, intra in gaudium Domini tui.3 Hanc donationem meam in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti largitate diuina, ut mihi tribuatur peccatorum remissio, per omnia cum consilio reuerentissimi patris Augustini condidi idque ade scribendum Augemundum presbiterum ordinaui. De his ergo omnibus que hic scripta sunt, si quis aliquid inde minuere presumpserit, sciat se equissimo iudici Deo et beatis apostolis Petro et Paulo rationem esse redditurum. Confirmata est hec donatio presentibus testibus, reuerentissimo patre Augustino Dorouernensis ecclesie archiepiscopo primo, Mellito quoque et Iusto Lundonie et Rofensis ecclesie presulibus et religioso famulo Christi Laurentio presbitero, Eadbaldo filio meo, Hamigisilo duce, Augemundo referendario, Hocca et Graphioni comitibus, Tangisilo et Pinca et Geddi et Aldhuno regis optimatibus aliisque plurimis diuersarum dignitatum personis. Actum sane quadragesimo quinto anno regni nostri sub die .v. idus Ianuarii.
1 See Matt. xxii: 32; Mark xii: 27; Luke xx: 38. Non est deus mortuorum sed uiuentium.
2 Matt. xvi: 19
3 Matt. xxv: 23


Æthelbertus King of the English , a Catholic mercy of Almighty God , to all the faithful, and the coming of the glory of his nation, the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, the blessed hope of everlasting blessedness of the uiteque wait for their salvation . I favor giving the highest king Athelbertus , encouraged by his father to the throne of God granted him peace now ten five years sceptrigera gained power and grace of the Holy Spirit is irradiated by a revered holy doctors of the faith , from the error of false gods to worship the one true God with all your heart, not to appear ungrateful for benefits those of us in the region of the shadow of death, the holy see, sitting flashed the light of truth , of all the churches, which is built with the encouragement and advice of most of our holy father pope Gregory and Augustine, the holiest of the Apostles Peter and Paul, a professor of the monastery and in the various countries , making it the foundation of property donations decorate studied inibique monks God fearing and I join with the advice of that most reverend archbishop Augustine from his college revered holy man with Peter, a monk from the apostolic see , I chose to give to them the ecclesiastical order requires preposui abbot . So this monastery due to advanced roof of their desire to promote the spread of possessions exuberant , healthy mind integroque Eadbald advice with my children and other noblemen my nobles' consent , for the redemption of my soul and hope of eternal retribution , even offered him the name of the town to another name, said Sturigao Cistelet with all pay her the right to competent , with the serfs , woods, cultivated or uncultivated meadows, pastures , swamps , rivers, and contiguous to the maritime borders it on the one hand I am surrounded , all mobile or immobile in the use of the regular course of the monastic religion there serving God . Missouri also silver , gold scapton , again with a seat restraint adorned with gold and jewels , silver mirror , armilcaisia ​​oloserica , shirt adorned with the gifts of Pope Gregory I was directed to the Holy See , all of which the aforementioned monastery freely offered. This is also the monastery of the holy apostles and martyrs , Augustine himself the servant of God and in the various ecclesiastical ornaments, the remains of the fully enriched and assert that transferred, in it for themselves from the Apostolic See , over all the successors of the apostolic authority of his men who ordered him to be buried , as the Scripture says , It is not to be a city of the dead, but also to me and uiuorum.1 Where the burial of my successors , prudent , hoping that I , sometimes by an order of the Apostles' , the prince of him , and to whom the Lord gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven has given the power of binding and loosing , 2 should be set free from the bonds of sins and open the door of eternal happiness to be introduced . That no bishop, a monastery , no one of my successors shall presume to disturb or harm in any way of the kings , and none would dare to usurp for themselves in it at all subjection , but that he himself that the abbot , with the consent of the brethren there, he was ordained to the inside and the outside, and direct it to govern it freely according to the fear of God , so that in the deserving to hear the voice of the speaker to that sweet day of the Lord of our most holy Redeemer , Well done , good and faithful servant , because thou hast been faithful over a few things , I will set thee over many things : enter thou into the joy of the Lord tui.3 my donation, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit that this divine bounty , to grant me forgiveness of sins , all with a design that made ​​the most reverend Father Augustine ade write Augemundum ordained priest . Concerning these matters, all the things that are written here , if any one shall presume to try to reduce some of that , let him know that he equissimo judge, God and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul would restore the reason for it . Confirmed the presence of this sale , most reverend father, Augustine, the first archbishop of the Church Dorouernensis , Mellitus and Justus of London and Rochester, and the bishops of the Church of Christ, a religious servant Lawrence priest , Ead my son , Hamigisilo leader , Augemundo referendario , and Hocca Graphioni counts, and Pinca and Tangisilo Geddes and the king's advisers, and other many different value Aldhuno persons . The act, of course, under the forty-fifth year of the reign of our day. V. . January.
1 See Matt . the twenty-second : 32 , Mark of the Twelve : 27 and Luke xx 38 . He is not the God of the dead but of the living.
2 Matt . XVI : 19
3 Matt . XXV : 23

Translation by Google Translate.

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