Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 738 (Canterbury, April). (a) Eadberht I, king of Kent, to Ealdwulf, bishop, and the see of St Andrew; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Stoke in Hoo, Kent. (b) Bishop Ealdwulf presents the charter to King Æthelberht II and Archbishop Nothhelm for confirmation.



De Stokes que antiquitus uocabatur Andscohesham;

+ In nomine domini dei nostri Iesu Christi ego Eadberht rex Cantuariorum donaui aliquam partem terre pro remedio anime mee atque indulgentia delictorum meorum episcopatui beati Andree apostoli ac uenerabile uiro Ealdulfo eius ecclesie antistiti in regione que uocatur Hohg in loco qui dicitur. Andscohesham id est decem arat'r'orum iuxta aestimationem prouinciae eiusdem Huius uero terre possessionem ita predicto episcopo largitus sum cum omnibus ad eum pertinentibus id est campis siluis pratis piscariis salsilagine . atque omnibus utensilibus eius iuxta notos terminos constitutos Hoc quoque praecipimus ut nullus presumat propinquorum meorum uel successorum meorum hanc donationem meam minuere infringere quoquomodo Siquis uero quod non credimus contra preceptum meum huic donatione mea e malibolo animo contraire temptauerit . sciat se in die iudicii rationem deo redditurum manentem tamen hanc cartulam nichilominus in sua firmitate siquis uero magis defendere augere uoluerit . addat deus bona eius in terra uiuentium Hanc quoque donationem meam ego Eadberht rex Cantuariorum propria manu confirmaui et signum sancte crucis infixi testes quoque idoneos commites meos confirmari et subscribere feci. Ego Uilbaldus commites meos confirmari et subscribere feci Ego Dimheahac commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. Ego Nothbalth commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. Ego Banta commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. Ego Ruta commites meos confirmari et scribere feci. Ego Tidbalth 'comites meos' confirmare et scribere feci; ~

Quomodo A'l'duulfus petieret confirmari hanc donationem .

+ In nomine domini dei summi . Ego Alduulfus episcopus in primis penitus ignoraui quod a Dorouernensis ecclesiae presuli et rege . hac kartula confirmata esse debuisset . postea agnoui et tam diligenter postulaui ab archiepiscopo Nothelmo et rege Aethilberhto presidente meo largitore Eadberhto ut ipsi manu sua hanc donationem corroborassent . et sic in metropolitano urbe perfecte compleuerunt. Actum mense Aprili . indictione . vi . anno ab incarnatione Christi . dccxxxviii. + Ego Nothelmus gratia dei archiepiscopus testis consentiens subscripsi kanonice . + Ego Aethilberhtus rex prefatam donationem signo sancte crucis confirmaui. + Ego Beornheard testis subscripsi. + Signum manus . Tunan . + Signum manus Balthardi . + Signum manus Eanb#erhti .


Which in ancient times was called the Stokes Andscohesham ;

+ In the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord our God , king of Kent , I Eadberht to deliver any portion of land of my sins for the salvation of my soul and love for his bishopric of the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle and the venerable prelate, a man of his Ealdulfo Hohg one we call in the place that is said to be in the country . Andscohesham arat'r'orum by estimation of the ten provinces of the possession of this land so the bishop with all the service that is relevant to the fields of fisheries, forests, meadows salsilagine . and all their baggage, according to his friends , has also set limits decision that nobody should take it on my neighbors or infringe in any way diminish my successors this gift of mine But if anyone does not believe that this contradicts the command of my gift from my mind malibolo oppose the attempt . he will render an account to God in the day of judgment, know that he will remain in his own reliability , however, none the less , if any , however, more defend this charter might wish to increase . May God add his property in the land of the living even this gift of mine own hand, I Eadberht king of Kent , confirmed the sign of the cross and fitted with suitable witnesses also confirmed my companions and I have to sign . I confirmed my Uilbaldus committed to sign and I have committed my Dimheahac confirmed and I write . I write and I have confirmed my Nothbalth committed . I used to write , and I have confirmed my companions . I write and I have confirmed my rue committed . I Tidbalth ' my friends ' support and I did write : ~

How A'l'duulfus petieret confirmed this donation .

+ In the name of the Lord most high GOD . I knew nothing at all in the first bishop Aldwulf Dorouernensis a church leader and king. kartula should have confirmed this . lamb and later as carefully demand by the archbishop and the king Nothelmo Æthelberht president Eadberhto my benefactor, that they had strengthened his hand with this gift . and so in a metropolitan city , filled perfectly . Enacted in April . levy. force . year from the incarnation of Christ. dccxxxviii . + I Nothelm witness the grace of God archbishop agreement subscribed kanonice . + I, the king of the aforementioned gift Æthelberht the sign of the holy cross , confirmed. + I Beornheard witness subscribed. + Sign hand . Tunan . + Sign Balthardi hand . + Sign Eanb # erhti hand .

Translation by Google Translate.

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