To all trew Christian People these Present Letters hearing
seeing or reading, I Thomas Clarentieulx King of Armes of all the Province of
the South Parties of this Realme send due and humble recommendacons in our Lord
God everlasting as it belongeth. For so much as many persons of their noble and
gentle courage be moved and stirred to exercise good vertuous and commendable
Mannors and noble condicons by the which, with Gods grace yee shall more
attaine unto the perfection of great honor and noblenesse, of which persons one
that is in especiall called John Tadlow and James his Brother the sonnes of
William Tadlow of London gentleman, which hath tenderly prayed and required me
the said King of Armes to make good and thorough search for the Armes of his
predecessors, at whose instaunce I have soe donne with all goodlie diligence
and have found that the right Armes of John Tadlow and James his brother the
Sonnes of William Tadlow and his predecessors been Ermin, a frette per palle
Azure and gules. The Creast upon the Heaulme a Dragons winge ermin, thereon a
fret per palle azure and Gules sett within a wreath silver and Gules, the
mantle Gules lined with Ermin, which Armes and creast I the said King
testifieing the same ratifie and confirme unto the said John Tadlow and James
his Brother and to their posteritie, he and they pleasures to their honour
without anie impeachment interruption or lett of anie person or persons of the
said Province for evermore. In Witness whereof I the said King of Armes to
theis Presentes have sett the Seale of myne Armes of authoritie and signed the
same with myne hand in the yere of our Lord God one thousand fower hundred
three score and eighteen and of the Raigne of our Souvraigne Lord King Edward
the fowrth the eighteenth yeare.
Harleian Society
Publications Volumes 76-77: A Collection of Miscellaneous Grants by Willoughby A. Littledale
(London: J. Whitehead & Son, 1925)
[Source: Fifteenth
Century Patents of Arms]
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