Be it knowen to all men that y Clarensew Kyng of Armes of
the South Marche of Englond Consideryng the noble estate of the Cite of London
by the name of Erle & Barons as in their ffirst Charter by scripture
appereth and as now called mayre and aldermen and by good avyce of all the
aldermen and the noble citezenis of London that every alderman shuld have award
by hymself to governe and rule to the Worship of the cite and the maires power
evy alderman in his Ward with correccion of the mair beyng for the tyme and so
notablie ordeyned to be custumed evy Craft clothing be hem self to know o Craft
from a nother and also synes of Armes in baner wyse to beer conveniently for
the worship of the reame and the noble cite and so now late the Maisters of
Barbory and Surgery within the craft of Barbours John Strugge Thomas Wyllote
Hugh Herte & Thomas Waleys come & praying me Clarensewe Kyng of Armes
to devise hem a conysauns & syne in fourme of armes under my seall of myn
Armes that might be conveniently to ther Craft.And where y Clarensewe Kyng of
Armes consideryng the gode disposicion of them y have devysed a Conysaunce in
fourme of Armes that is to sey A felde sabull a cheveron bytwene iij flemys of
silver the which syne of armes y Clarensew gyve the same conysaunce of Armes to
the forsaid Crafte and none other Crafte in no wyse shall not bere the same. To
the which witenesse of this wrytyng y sette my seal of myn armes & my syne
manuall wreten atte London the xxix day of the monthe of September the xxxth
yere of the regne of oure soverayne lord Kyng Henry the Sixt. By Clarensew
Kynge of armes.
The Armorial Bearings
of the Guilds of London :
a Record of the Heraldry of the Surviving Companies with Historical Notes by
John Bromley (London: Warne, 1960)
[Source: Fifteenth
Century Patents of Arms]
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