Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 605 (Canterbury). Æthelberht, king of Kent, to St Peter; grant of land to the east of Canterbury for the foundation of a minster.

Latin with English bounds.


+ In nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Omnem hominem qui secundum Deum uiuit et remunerari a Deo sperat et optat, oportet ut piis precibus consensum hilariter ex animo prebeat, quoniam certum est tanto facilius ea que ipse a Deo poposcerit consequi posse, quanto et ipse libentius Deo aliquid concesserit. Quocirca ego Æthilberhtus rex Cantie, cum consensu uenerabilis archiepiscopi Agustini ac principum meorum, dabo et concedo Deo in honore sancti Petri aliquam partem terre iuris mei quæ iacet in oriente ciuitatis Dorobernie, ita dumtaxat ut monasterium ibi construatur, et res quæ supra memoraui in potestate abbatis sit, qui ibi fuerit ordinatus. Igitur adiuro et precipio in nomine Domini Dei omnipotentis qui est omnium rerum iudex iustus1 ut prefata terra subscripta donatione sempiternaliter sit confirmata, ita ut nec mihi nec alicui successorum meorum regum aut principum siue cuiuslibet conditionis dignitatibus et ecclesiasticis gradibus de ea aliquid fraudare liceat. Si quis uero de hac donatione nostra aliquid minuere aut irritum facere temptauerit, sit in presenti separatus a sancta communione corporis et sanguinis Christi, et in die iudicii ob meritum malitie suæ a consortio sanctorum omnium segregatus. Circumcincta est hec terra his terminibus: in oriente ecclesia sancti Martini, in meridie uia oþ burhgat, in occidente et in aquilone drutingestræte. Acta in ciuitate Dorouerni anno ab incarnatione Christi .dcv., indictione .vi.

+ Ego Æthelbertus rex Cancie sana mente integroque consilio donacionem meam signo sancte crucis propria manu roboraui confirmauique.

Ego Ægustinus gratia Dei archiepiscopus testis consenciens libenter subscripsi. Eadbald . Hamigils . Augemund referendarius. Hocca . Grafio . Thangil . Pinca . Geddi .

1 Ps. vii. 12: qui est omnium iudex iustus


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every man, which after God lives and hopes and desires with be rewarded by God , it is necessary that they should cheerfully consent to the pious prayers from the heart, we need , for it is certain that so much the more easily be able to obtain the things that are called upon by God himself , by how much also he is more willing to of something to God the display. For this reason , I will Æthelberht, king of Kent, who with the consent of the venerable Archbishop Augustine 's and of the princes of my , I will give and grant to God in honor of Saint Peter , which lies in the east of the city of Canterbury some part of the land from my property , so the condition that you should be constructed a monastery there , and the thing which I have mentioned previously in the power of the abbot it may be, he was ordained to those who are there . Therefore, I charge and command, in the name of the Lord God Almighty , who is the judge of all things , as aforesaid iustus1 signed the donation of the land is to be a sempiternal being established by such a way that it not to me nor to any of my successors , or of any condition of kings and princes and ecclesiastical dignitaries of the steps to be allowed to keep back part of it any thing . If any of this donation , however, our attempt to do something to try to reduce or void , in the present , separated from the reception of Holy Communion is the body and blood of Christ, and of his malice in the day of judgment , for their service and set apart from the company of all the saints . Does this earth is girded about by these terms: in the east the church of St. Martin, in the way of OTH burhgat in the south , in the west and in the north drutingestræte . The acts of the year from the incarnation of Christ in the city of Dorouerni . Dcv . , Levy. Force.

I Æthelbertus king of Kent right mind integroque gift planning my own hand and seal confirmauique sign of the cross .

I thank God Ægustinus archbishop witness agreed willingly subscribed. Eadbald . Hamigils . Augemund referee. Hocca . Grafio . Thangil . Pinca . Geddes .

1 Ps . vii. 12 , who is a just judge of all the

Translation by Google Translate.

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