Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 765 x 785. Ecgberht, king of Kent, to Deora, bishop of Rochester, and the church of St Andrew; grant of 10 sulungs (aratra) at Halling, Kent, with appurtenant swine-pastures at Bixle, Speldhurst, Mæreden, Rusthall and Teppanhyse, Kent.

Latin with bounds.


Rubric: De Hallingas;

+ In nomine domini saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi . Omnem igitur hominem sicut frequenter celesti magisterio adhortante didicimus . qui sub Christiana religione uite celestis premia consequi desiderat . necesse est ut in presenti pietatis insistat operibus . et terrenis rebus atque transitoriis in quantum deo largiente sufficiat sibimet eterna mercatur bona . suasque preces ad diuinam peruenire clementiam cotidie citius per hoc faciat . Quod ipse aliorum in suis necessitatibus libenter exaudiat . attentius reminiscens quod quibusque religiosis postulationibus tanto libentius tantoque promptius consensus prebendus est ; quanto et illis qui praecatores sunt utilior res secundum hoc uisibile seculum nunc impertitur . et illis qui concessores existunt . pro impertito opere pietatis uberior merces secundum inuisibile postmodum tribuetur . Quamobrem ego Egcberth rex Cantie tibi dilectissimo episcopo Dioran atque tue ecclesie que in honore Sancti Andreae apostoli consecrata est . pro remedio anime mee cum consensu meorum optimatum atque principum terram iuris mei decem aratrorum in loco ubi nominatur Hallingas cum omnibus scilicet ad eam pertinentibus rebus iuxta terminos indigenis certissimos . cum campis siluis pratis paludibus piscationibus uenationibus aucupationibus . libenter tenendam possidendamque concedo . ita ut quicquid de ea agere uolueris . liberam per omnia in perpetuo potestatem teneas . Quisquis igitur heredum successorumque meorum hanc donationem meam augere atque amplificare uoluerit ; habeat beatam communionem in presenti cum diligentibus deum . et in futuro perpetuam cum omnibus sanctis . Quisquis autem maliuola mente de illa immutare aut imminuere temptauerit ; separetur a societate non solum aeterne felicitatis omnium sanctorum . sed etiam in eterna pena cum scelerum suorum crudelibus comparticipibus sit condemnatus . At uero ut hanc donationem meam quilibet hominum aliquando non possit irritam facere ; manu propria signum sancte crucis subtus in hac pagina facere curaui . testesque religiosos ut idipsum facerent adhibeo . Adiectis denberis in commune saltu . Bixle . Speldhirst . Meredæn ðær be eastan . et Rusteuuellæ . 7 Teppanhyse .

+ Ego Egcberhtus rex hanc donationem a me factam signo sancte crucis roboraui .
+ Ego Heaberhtus rex signo sancte crucis roboraui et subscripsi .
+ Ego Iaenberhtus archiepiscopus gratia dei consensi et subscripsi .
+ Signum manus Eangisli .
+ Signum manus Udan.
+ Signum manus Balthardi .
+ Signum manus Egesnothi .
+ Signum manus Uban .
+ Signum manus Tyccan .
+ Signum manus Heardraedi .
+ Signum manus Uuiohtnothi .
+ Signum manus Coenberhti .

Termini locorum . Sunt autem termini a loco qui uocatur Hrofesbreta usque in arborem qui uocatur Cutues ac . et inde uia recta per medium campum que appellatur Hiuetinhamstedi . usque in locum qui dicitur Hallesmeri . et inde circumit per locum qui uocatur Heortleagu . usque in flumen Medeuuæge .


Rubric of Halling ;

+ In the name of the Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ . Then, as he often urged them to learn all the heavenly guidance . who wants to achieve the rewards of heavenly life under the Christian religion . it is necessary that in the present must persist in the works of piety . By God and the things of earth and transitory as a good enough business for themselves eternal . and his daily prayers to the divine mercy come quickly through this procedure. May He be pleased to hear of others in their needs . remembering that they prefer the more fervently religious demands much more enthusiastic consent allowance is , how much , and those who are more useful praecatores visible thing in this world now imparts . and those who exist concessores . bestowed richer reward for the work of the invisible subsequently given . Wherefore, I, king of Kent Egcberth beloved bishop Dioran you and your church that is dedicated in honor of the Apostle Andrew . for the salvation of my soul and with the consent of my best men of the princes of the earth with a plow and in the place where it is mentioned ten of my rights, Halling, with all things belonging to it that is the most established on the borders . with fields , meadows , forest swamps hunting fowlings fisheries . willingly hold possidendamque concede. of in such a way that whatever you wish to do those things . set at liberty , in all things are in a perpetual power to hold it. Therefore, the heirs and successors of my might wish to increase and enhance this gift of mine , in the present with the love God has blessed communion . lasting one with all the saints and in the future . But any malicious attempt to reduce or change his mind about that , not only separated from the society of eternal happiness of all saints . but also in eternal pain with their heinous , cruel sharers is condemned . But with the truth so that it can not be set aside at any time that any man this gift of mine to do; under his own hand, the sign of the holy cross have taken care to make in this page . religious and testimony that the same thing would apply. Additional denberis concerted leap. Bixle . Speldhirst . Meredæn ðær be eastan . and Rusteuuellæ . 7 Teppanhyse .

Egcberhtus + I, the king of a donation made ​​by me in this sign of the holy cross.
+ I, the king of the sign of the holy cross Heaberhtus to strengthen and subscribed. Iaenberhtus
+ I, Archbishop of the grace of God , agreed to and subscribed.
+ Sign Eangisli hand .
+ Sign Udan hand .
+ Sign Balthardi hand .
+ Sign Egesnothi hand .
+ Sign Uban hand .
+ Sign Tyccan hand .
+ Sign Heardraedi hand .
+ Sign Uuiohtnothi hand .
+ Sign Coenberhti hand .

Geographical boundaries . There are , however, the terms of which is called from the place which is called Hrofesbreta up into a tree and captured the call and ask. and from there straight road through the middle of the field which is called Hiuetinhamstedi . as far as to the place that is said to Hallesmeri . and from there around the place which is called Heortleagu . Medeuuæge until the river .

Translation by Google Translate.

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