Friday, 11 October 2013

Tir Mara Champions of Arms AS 47


(Words by Aneleda Falconbridge with assistance from Steffan ap Kennydd)

ex campo victoriae / from the field of victory
ense et animo / with sword and courage
et marte, et arte / both by strength and art
et vi, et virtute / both by strength and valor
ex armis exaltabit honore Thyra Principissa
Princess Thyra will exault with honor from arms
*** NAME ***
ecce propugnator Tirmarae / behold he who fights on behalf of Tir Mara
Factum per manus Eduardi nobilis et Thyrae eucharis, Principis Principissaeque Regalum Tirmarae, in Scira Silvae Ardentis, anno quadragesimo septimo [XLVII] Societatis die sexto Octobre.

Done by the hand of noble Edward and gracious Thyra, Crown Prince and Princess of Tir Mara, at the East Kingdom University in the Shire of Bois Ardent, in the 47th year of the Society, on this sixth day of October.


(Words by Aneleda Falconbridge with assistance from Steffan ap Kennydd)

ex campo victoriae  / from the field of victory
ense et animo / with sword and courage
et marte, et arte / both by strength and art
et vi, et virtute / both by strength and valor
ex armis exaltabit honore Edwardus Princeps / Prince Edward will exault with honor from arms
*** NAME ***
ecce propugnator Tirmarae / behold he who fights on behalf of Tir Mara
Factum per manus Eduardi nobilis et Thyrae eucharis, Principis Principissaeque Regalum Tirmarae, in Scira Silvae Ardentis, anno quadragesimo septimo [XLVII] Societatis die sexto Octobre.

Done by the hand of noble Edward and gracious Thyra, Crown Prince and Princess of Tir Mara, at the East Kingdom University in the Shire of Bois Ardent, in the 47th year of the Society, on this sixth day of October.

**(Scroll Assignments KA12-169 and KA12-170 – October 8, 2012 (Tir Mara Prince and Princess’ Champions of Arms Scrolls for TM EKU)**

By Aneleda Falconbridge and Steffan ap Kennydd

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