Rubric: Carta eiusdem regis
Lotharii de manerio de Stodemerch'.
In nomine Domini Dei et
saluatoris Iesu Christi. Ego Lotharius rex Cantuariorum, anno regni nostri
primo, indictione tercia, sub die kalendarum Aprilis, cum concilio uenerabilis
archiepiscopi Theodori atque consensu primorum meorum, terram trium aratrorum
in marisco qui appellatur Stodmerch' iuxta Fordeuuicum, cum pratis, campis,
siluis, fontanis, paludibus, fluminibus et omnibus ad eandem pertinentibus
rebus in ipsa quantitate sicut antiquitus predecessores mei reges predicta libere
tenuerunt, abbati et monasterio beati Petri apostolorum principis quod situm
est iuxta ciuitatem Dorouernis in suburbio in sempiterno possidenda concedimus
et confirmamus, ita ut nec nobis nec aliquibus successorum nostrorum regum siue
principum aut ecclesiasticarum dignitatum gradibus nefario temeritatis ausu
aliquando infringere uel diminuere aliquid de donacione nostra liceat, sed pro
remedio anime mee et absolucione peccatorum meorum ita ut predixi famulis Dei
absque aliqua lesione omnia predicta in euum stabilia permaneant. Quisquis
autem heredum successorumque meorum regum Cancie uel si quilibet secularium
dignitatum aut etiam ecclesiasticarum de supradicta donacione, quam pro eterna
remuneracione anime mee omnipotenti Deo ad utilitatem famulancium ei in ius
monasteriale constat esse largitum, aliquid disrumpere aut immutare uel irritum
facere tentauerit, sciat se sine dubio omnipotenti Deo fraudem facere et
proinde coram eo et sanctis angelis eius eterno anathemate reum. Quicunque uero
hec que largita prediximus sub pia proteccione custodierit uel Dei intuitu
misericorditer auxerit, sit benedictus in secula audiatque in die nouissimo
tremendi examinis ab ipso iudice omnium Christo Domino eterne benediccionis
uocem, Venite benedicti patris mei percipite regnum quod uobis paratum est ab
origine mundi,1 manente igitur hac cartula in sua semper firmitate, cum
religiosis testibus signo dominice crucis in hoc loco qui dicitur Dorouernis
stabiliter in euum confirmamus.
+ Ego Lotharius rex Cancie
suprascripta signo sancte crucis per propriam manum roboraui.
+ Ego Theodorus gratia Dei
archiepiscopus rogatus a rege subscripsi.
+ Ego Adrianus abbas indignus
+ Signum manus Ecca .
+ Signum Osfridi .
1 See Matt. xxv: 34
RUBRIC: The charter of the same
king of the manor of Stodemerch Lothar '.
In the name of the Lord God and
savior , Jesus Christ. Lothar I , king of Kent , in the year of our kingdom, at
first, the third indiction , under the day of the month of April, with the
council and with the consent of the first of my venerable Archbishop Theodore ,
the land of the three which is called the plow in the marsh Stodmerch ' ,
according to the Fordeuuicum , with meadows, fields, forests, Fontana , swamps
, rivers, and all things that pertain to the same quantity in the same was as
at the beginning of my predecessors the kings of freely held the aforesaid , to
the abbot and monastery of the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles that is
situate near the city in the suburb of Dorouernis in the grant and confirm ,
for an everlasting possession , so that neither us nor any of our successors
kings or princes or ecclesiastical dignity nefarious temerity sneaky sometimes
violate or diminish any of our grant allowed , but for the salvation of my soul
and absolution for my sins, so as I said before , without any harm to the
servants of God, all of the above into eternity remain stable . But any of my
heirs and successors kings of Kent , or if any of the above ecclesiastical and
secular powers , or even gift, and for the eternal reward of my soul to
Almighty God for the benefit of the right to famulancium monastically known to
be dispensed , a break or change or do tentauerit void , without the knowledge
that doubt, to Almighty God and the holy angels before him and hence the fraud
to do his eternal anathema the accused . But anyone who reads what we have
already granted protection under the loving gaze of God mercifully kept or
increased , be blessed forever lays on the last day of Christ, the Lord of all
the terrible by the judge of the eternal voice of benediction , ye blessed of
my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
world, 1 , then this charter remains always in its reliability , with the sign
of the Holy Cross religious witnesses in this place that is permanently in the
eternity Dorouernis confirm .
+ I, Lothar , king of Kent
as written above, the sign of the holy cross through the proper hand seal.
+ I thank God Archbishop
Theodore was asked by the king subscribed. Adrian unworthy abbot
+ I subscribed.
+ Sign Ecca hand .
+ Sign Osfrid .
1 See Matt . XXV : 34
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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