Saturday, 19 October 2013

c. A.D. 748 x 762. Eardwulf, king of the men of Kent, to Heaberht, abbot, and his familia in the minster at Reculver; grant of 1 sulung (aratrum) at Perhamstede in Higham Upshire, Kent.



Endorsement (s. xii): Perstede . Eardulfus Rex Ca. ad Ecclesiam de Raculf Perhamstede . i . ar' . Latine . .

+ In nomine domini Dei nostri Jhesu Christi . Piis religiosisque petitionibus et maxime fideliter famulantium Deo omnem hominem qui secundum Deum vivit et remunerari a Deo sperat et optat necesse est ut hilariter assensum ex animo praebeat quoniam certum est tanto facilius ea quae quisque a Deo poposcerit consequi posse quanto et ipse libentius hominibus utiliter postulata concesserit . quod tunc bonorum omnium largitori Deo acceptabile sit cum pro ejus amore et utilitate famulantium ei peragitur. Quamobrem ego Eardulfus rex Cantiae tibi venerabili Heaberhcto abbate tuaeque familiae consistenti in monasterio quod nominatur Ricuulfi pro Dei omnipotentis Dei amore et spe supernae mercedis ut diligenter peti's'tis terram juris mei id est unius aratri in loco qui dicitur Perhamstede cum campis silvis pascuis venationibus omnibusque necessariis ad eam pertinentibus rebus juxta terminos videlicet antiquos et indigenis certissimos aeterna traditione pro remedio scilicet animæ meae et orationum suffragio vestrarum libenter possedendam concedo . Ita dumtaxat ut quicquid de ea fieri volueritis sive in donando sive in accomodando vel in commutuando liberam sempiternaliter potestatem habeatis . Haec autem terrula habetur in regione caestruuara ubi nominatur heahhaam et adjacet a meridie sive occidente novem illis aratris quae prius scilicet dominii vestri fuerant quaeque a patre meo Eadberhtuo vobis esse donata manifestum est . Quisquis igitur ex quolibet vel ex ecclesiastico gradu vel ex saeculari dignitate his qui utiliter pro Dei intuitu servis Christi concessimus invido malivoloque animo contraire praesumpserit aut in aliqua re praefatam donationem nostram inritam facere temptaverit . Sciat se sine dubio et in praesenti ob meritum malitiae suae juste excommunicatum fieri a corpore et sanguine Christi et in futuro procul segregatum ab his qui a dextris Christi propter opera pietatis adstrare et illam beatam vocem audire meruerint 'Venite benedicti patris mei percipite regnum quod vobis paratum est ab origine mundi' . Manentem hanc kartulam in sua nihilominus firmitate cum consensu venerabilis episcopi nostri Earduulfi necnon et principum meorum canonice roborare ut infra patescit curavi .

+ Ego Eardulfus rex Cantiae praefatam donationem meam per propriam manum signo sanctae crucis roboravi .
+ Ego Earduulfus Hrofensis ecclesiae episcopus consentiens subscripsi .
+ Signum manus Folcuuinis .
+ Signum manus Uuihtbrordis .
+ Signum manus Uuealhunes .
+ Signum manus Aethelnothes .

Shorter version (from Birch 176)


+ Ego Eardulfus . rex Canciæ tibi venerabilis Heahberte . abba . tuæquæ familiæ consistenti in loco qui dicitur Raculfe . concedo terram unius aratri in loco qui nominatur Perhamstede cum omnibus ad eam rite pertinentibus . liberam ab omnibus sæcularibus serviciis .


Endorsement (S. xii ) Perstede . Eardwulf King Ca . to the Church of Raculf Perhamstede . i. ar ' . Latin. .

+ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ our God . Pleas and the most pious and religious faithfully serving God to every person who lives according to God and be rewarded by God , hopes and desires , it is necessary to give cheerfully assent from the heart because it is certain that the easier things are called upon by God to be able to obtain any more and be more useful to the demands of the display . that it will then be acceptable to God, the Giver of all good things with him for his love for the servants and utility is taking place . King of Kent, to you and your own family, the venerable abbot Wherefore I, Eardwulf Heaberhcto that is named, settled as in the monastery of Reculver, for the love of Almighty God and the hope of eternal reward as of right, the land of my property, that is of a single carefully peti's'tis plow the fields, the woods, in the place that is said to Perhamstede with pastures for wild game, and all necessary things belonging to it , to wit, on the borders of the eternal tradition of the ancient and most established of prayers for the salvation of my soul and possessed freely your vote . Insofar as whatever it will be , or in giving or adapting or in exchanging free forever have the power . This small piece of land is held in the country where it is used caestruuara heahhaam and present them to the south or west, nine plows , which previously had been the domain of your things from my father Eadberhtuo be given to you is clear. Therefore anyone from any position in the church or from the secular or the dignity of those who have been useful for the sake of God, servants of Christ granted an envious malivoloque mind presumes to act against or in any thing of the aforementioned gift of our vain attempts to do . Let it know that without a doubt, justly excommunicated person, and of his malice, in the present , for their service to be done at a distance from the body and the blood of Christ and in the future on the right hand of Christ, for works of piety separated by those that have to listen to the voice of that blessed and they have earned the adstrare ' Come, ye blessed of my father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world . " Continuing this kartulam likewise in its steadfastness with the agreement of our venerable bishops and leaders of my Earduulfi well as further strengthen canonically opens zealously.

Eardwulf, + I, king of Kent, the aforementioned gift of mine in my own hand with the mark of the holy cross confirmed it.
+ I Earduulfus Rochester church bishop agreement signed.
+ Sign Folcuuinis hand .
+ Sign Uuihtbrordis hand .
+ Sign Uuealhunes hand .
+ Sign Aethelnothes hand .

Shorter version (from Birch 176)

Perhamstede .

+ I Eardwulf . you Heahberte venerable king of Kent . Abba. and your families resident in the place called Raculfe . I agree with all the land of one plow in the place that is named Perhamstede rightly belong to her . free from all secular services .

Translation by Google Translate.

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