To all those who shall see or hear these present letters
Nigel and Adrielle otherwise called King and Queen of Ealdormere greeting and
al humble recommendation. Equity requires and reason ordains that men virtuous
and of noble courage be rewarded for their merits by renown and that not only
their persons in this mortal life so brief and transitory but after them those
who shall issue and be procreated of their bodies may be in all places of great
honour perpetually shining before others by certain signs and shows of honour
and gentility. And therefore We, King and Queen above said who not only by
common renown but also by the report and testimony of other noble men worthy of
credence am truly advertised and informed that Brennen Suibhne has long persued
feats of arms with the blade and as well in this as in other his affairs has
borne himself valiantly and conducted himself honourably so that he has
deserved well and is well worthy that henceforth and perpetually and for ever
he is given an Award of the Scarlet Banner and is counted numbered and received
among the number and in the company of other ancient gentle and noble
Ealdormereans. In witness whereof We, King and Queen above named have signed
with Our hands and sealed with Our seal these presents. Made and given the
twenty-sixth day of October, in the year of the society forty-eight in Our
Shire of the March of St. Martins at Crown Tournament.
By THLaird Colyne
Stewart, based on Patent of Arms to John Alfrey, 1459/60
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