Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Charter Creating the Crown Principality of Ealdormere

Charter Creating the Crown Principality of Ealdormere (transcription)

We, Corwin, by right of arms and law, the Sovereign of the Middle Kingdom, and Master of' the Order of Chivalry, Ruler from the frozen banks of the Ottawa unto the mud of the Great River; and Shana, our Queen of Love and Beauty, our Consort, and Patroness of the Arts and Sciences, sitting in court and council, and upon the considered advice of our Heirs, Prince Reynard and Princess Brunhildr, our noble peers Duke Talymar, Duchess Eislin, Duke Eliahu and Duchess Elen, and our Great Officers of State, do issue by these presents, a Charter of command and consent:

Recognizing the unity of purpose and contributions that the people of these Northern Reaches have given to our Kingdom, by our command and consent do we create the land comprising the Barony of Septentria, the Barony of Skraeling Althing, and the Shire of Noergate, and any baronies, shires and colleges that may in future be created within those boundaries, as the Crown Principality of Ealdormere. They shall stand in fealty and hommage to the Crown of the Middle.

By our command and consent do We as King and Queen of the Midrealm recognize Ourselves as Sovereigns of the Crown Principality of Ealdormere. By our command and consent do we assign by courtesy, the title of Prince and Princess of Ealdormere to our heirs, the Crown Prince and Princess of the Middle Kingdom.

By our command and grant will we create a Lord and Lady Lieutenant to administer Ealdormere in our name, at the Crown's pleasure. Upon completion of their service, at the discretion of the Crown, we shall award unto them a Grant of Arms.

By our command will the Lord and Lady Lieutenant, in consultation with our Officers of State, create a Council of the Crown in Ealdormere, to include those deputies of Kingdom officers whose purview includes Ealdormere, and our Barons and Baronesses and Peers who reside within its boundaries.

Done to the greater glory of the Middle Kingdom and the Society, in the name of chivalry, courtesy, and the ideals we hold dear, in this our court and council, this twentieth day of August, in this the twenty-third year of the Society, in testimony whereof we have affixed our seal.

(signed by their Majesties of the Midrealm)

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