Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 694 (17 July). Wihtred, king of Kent, to Æbba, abbess; grant of 4 sulungs (aratra) at Humantun in Thanet, Kent.



In nomine Domini Dei saluatoris. Ego Uuihtredus rex Cantie una cum coniuge mea Kinigitha regina, referens gratias largitori bonorum Domino qui dilatauit terminos nostros iuxta paternam antiquitatem, in commune pertractauimus aliquam partem terre nobis conlate ad uicem impendere, ne ingrati beneficiis uideremur largitoris nostri. Qua de re a presenti die et tempore tibi religiose Æbbe abbatisse Deoque dicate femine terram iuris nostri que sita est in insula Teneti, que quondam appellata est Humantun, aratrorum .iiii., contulimus inperpetuum possidendam, ut cum omnibus ad eandem pertinentibus, pratis, campis, fontanis, siluis, piscariis, fluminibus, marisco et quicquid ad supradictam terram pertinet, a .iiii. partibus, orientis, occidentis, aquilonis et meridiei, tuo usui dicionique subicias, teneas, possideas, dones, commutes, uenundes uel quicquid exinde facere uolueris liberam habeas potestatem successoresque tui defendant inperpetuum. Numquam me heredesque meos contra hanc cartulam descriptionis nostre aliquando esse uenturos. Ad cuius cumulum etiam affirmationis cespitem huiusc supradicte terre super sanctum altare posui et propria manu pro ignorantia litterarum signum sancte crucis in hac cartula expressi. Sed et Kinigitha id ipsum fecit principesque meos ut pari modo propriis manibus facerent rogaui, quorum nomina subtus annecta sunt. Si quis quod absit contra hanc cartulam a me factam uel heredes mei contraire presumpserint, nouerint se a participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Iesu Christi esse alienos et a cetu fidelium segregandos hic et in eternum. Quam sepedictam cartulam scribendam dictaui et tibi Eabbe abbatisse tradidi conseruandum. Actum .xvi. kalendas Augusti, indictione .vii., anno regni nostri tertio.

+ Signum manus Wihtredi regis.
+ Signum manus Kinigithe regine.
+ Signum manus Bernhardi.
+ Signum manus Alhuuardi.


In the name of God, the savior. I along with my wife Kinigitha Kent Wihtred king , queen , quoting the good Lord who bestows grace and extended our boundaries , according to his father's former estate , into a portion of land for us and handled the common contributor to spend their turn to show their gratitude for the benefits were seen to our Giver . And with respect to the present day and at the time of the situation by the abbess Ebba you religiously preach the God within our own control which was situated on an island on the land of a woman, for we are bound , which formerly it was called the Humantun , the plow. Fourth . , Have conferred in perpetuity to possess, in order to be with all belonging to the same , meadows, fields, , Fontana , woods, fisheries, rivers , marsh land, and whatever pertains to the aforesaid , from . fourth . the parties, the east, west, north, and south, and scepter of your subject would be useful to shouldest take hold of , take possession of the grant , in exchange for , from that time he uenundes or whatever you want to make your have the free power to defend and successors for ever. I never at any time be inheriting mine against this charter of our arrival. Even at the height of the sod of this affirmation of the said land on the sacred altar , and put his own hand in the sign of the cross on the ignorance of writing this charter reproduced . Kinigitha but it made ​​the same way as the leaders of my own hands, do you ask, whose names are under annex . If any one, made ​​by me in sending the writ of or in opposition to this , God forbid, my heirs presumed to contravene it , know of a surety himself from a participation in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to be the strangers, and separated from the gathering of the faithful here and in eternity. Oftmentioned charter be written and dictated how you Eabbe abbess delivered preservation . Act . Xvi. of the Kalends of August, the levy. vii. , the third year of our reign .

Sign Wihtredi hand of the king.
Hand signal Kinigithe queen .
Bernard hand sign .
Alhuuardi hand sign .

Translation by Google Translate.

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