Rubric: Item de Aeslingeham .
+ In nomine domini dei saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi .
Quanuis parua et exigua sint que pro ammissis offerimus . tamen pius omnipotens
deus non quantitatem muneris sed deuotionem offerentium semper inquirit . Qua
de re ego Sigeredus rex dimidie partis prouincie Cantuariorum . tam pro anime
mee remedio quam pro amore omnipotentis dei . terram aratrorum . xxti . que
appellatur Aeslingaham tibi reuerentissimo episcopo Earduulfo sancte Hrofensis
ecclesie . cum uniuersis ad se pertinentibus . campis siluis pratis pascuis
paludibus et aquis et cum omni tributo quod regibus inde dabatur in potestatem
cum consilio et consensu principum meorum libenter in perpetuum perdono . ut
possidendi uel habendi siue uendendi uel etiam tradendi cuicumque uoluerit
liberam per omnia habeat potestatem . Sane quia cauendum est ne hodiernam
donationem nostram futuri temporis abnegare ualeat . et in ambiguum deuocare
presumptio; placuit michi hanc paginam condere . et una cum cespite terre
praedicte tradere tibi . per quam non solum omnibus meis successoribus regum
siue principum . sed etiam michi ipsi penitus interdico . ne aliter quam nunc a
me constitutum est ullo tempore de eadem terra quippiam agere audeant . Quod
siqui forte obseruare neglexerint . et absque digna satisfactione praesentis
uite impleuerint infelices dies . audient uocem eterni iudicis sub fine mundi
dicentis ad impios . discedite 'a me' maledicti in ignem eternum qui preparatus
est diabolo et angelis eius.1 Qui uero curauerint custodire . nichilque
inrogarint aduersi . audiunt uocem clementissimi arbitri inquientis ad pios .
Venite benedicti patris mei percipite regnum quod uobis paratum est ab origine
mundi2 . Adiectis . iiii . dænberis in commune saltu . hoc est Uueald se
uuestra . Billincgden . Cealcbyras . Meosden . Rindigsel . + Ego Sigeredus rex
hanc donationem a me factam signum sancte crucis propria manu scribendo firmaui
coram Bregouuino archiepiscopo . + Ego Bregouuinus archiepiscopus ad peticionem
donatoris ante praedicti consensi et subscripsi . + Signum manus Hereberhti
abbatis . + Signum manus Baere abbatis . + Signum manus Bruno abbatis . +
Signum manus Aescuualdi presbyteri. + Signum manus Ecgbaldi?c comitis atque
prefecti . + Signum manus Ealdhuuni . + Signum manus Esne . + Signum manus
Badohardi . Signum manus Aethelnodi .
Rubric: Confirmatio Eanmundi regis.
+ Ego Eanmundus rex hanc piam donationem suprascriptam propria
manu roborandam hoc signaculo sanctae crucis expressi . in loco cuius uocabulum
est Godgeocesham . presente uenerabili archiepiscopo Bregouuino et consentiente
. consilio quippe atque consensu omnium optimatum et principum gentis
Cantuariorum .
+ Ego Iaenberhtus abbas consentiens testis affui et
subscripsi .
+ Ego Huuaetred abbas consensi et subscripsi .
+ Signum manus Egesnoði .
+ Signum manus Balthhardi .
+ Signum manus Aldhuni .
+ Signum manus Uda .
+ Signum manus Puda .
1 Matt. 25: 41. 2 Matt. 25: 34.
Rubric : Item of Aeslingeham .
+ In the name of the Lord God of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Though small and petty things that we offer for the CRIME . the amount of the
gift, but not yet good god almighty devotion donors always seeks. Wherefore, I,
the king of half a Sigeredus part of the province of Kent
. as much for the remedy of my soul than for the love of the Almighty God. plow
the land . twenty . which you called Aeslingaham reverend Bishop of Rochester
Earduulfo holy church . with all that belongs to it . fields, meadows,
pastures, marshes, woods and waters, and with that all tribute to kings , with
the advice and consent of the princes of my gladly This led me into the power
of pardon in perpetuity . as possessing or possessing or selling or even giving
any free will in all things have jurisdiction. Of course, care should be taken
because it is not a donation to our present-day thank you very much to deny the
future tense . and the ambiguous deuocare presumption , I decided to make this
page . and , together with the turf of the aforesaid land to hand over to you.
, which was not only of the kings of all my successors, or of princes. but also
I myself have absolutely forbid . now than at any time in any other way might
not be of the same land from the I make a dare to do any thing to deal with .
If perhaps someone neglected to note . and satisfaction of the present life
without fitting impleuerint unhappy day . of the judge shall hear the voice of
the eternal under the end of the world say to the wicked . Refrain ' from me '
who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and angels , he
that eius.1 curauerint to keep . inrogarint opposing any concession . he heard
a voice saying; arbiters gracious to the pious . Come, ye blessed of my father,
receive the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of mundi2 . Added.
four . dænberis common in the forest . that is itself Uueald uuestra .
Billincgden . Cealcbyras . Meosden . Rindigsel .
+ I Sigeredus king donation made by me this sign of the
cross to strengthen his own hand writing before Bregouuino archbishop .
+ I, on the petition of the donor before the archbishop of
Bregouuinus of the aforesaid , agreed to and subscribed.
+ Sign Hereberhti hand Abbot.
+ Mark Baer hand Abbot.
+ Mark Abbot Bruno hand .
+ Sign Aescuualdi hands of priests .
+ Sign Ecgbaldi hand ? C count and appointed .
+ Sign Ealdhuuni hand .
+ Mark Are you a hand .
+ Sign Badohardi hand .
Aethelnodi hand sign .
Rubric : Confirmation Eanmundi king.
+ I, the king of this loving gift of the aforesaid rule
Eanmundus strengthen their own hand, pressed them with this mark of the holy
cross . in a place whose name is Godgeocesham . the presence of the venerable
Archbishop Bregouuino unanimous . for the advice and consent of all the nobles
and princes of the nation of Kent
+ I Iaenberhtus abbot consenting witnesses were present and
+ I, the abbot Huuaetred , agreed to and subscribed.
+ Sign Egesnoði hand .
+ Sign Balthhardi hand .
+ Sign Aldhuni hand .
+ Sign wet hands .
+ Sign Puda hand .
1 Matt . 25 : 41 . 2 Matt . 25 : 34 .
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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