Friday, 18 October 2013

John Alfrey, 1459/60

To all those who shall see or hear these present letters John Smert otherwise called Gartyer King of Arms of the English greeting and all humble recommendation. Equity requires and reason ordains that men virtuous and of noble courage be rewarded for their merits by renown and that not only their persons in this mortal life so brief and transitory but after them those who shall issue and be procreated of their bodies may be in all places of great honour perpetually shining before others by certain signs and shows of honour and gentility. That is to say of blazon helmet and crest in order that by their example others may the more endeavour perseveringly to spend their days in feats of arms and other virtuous works to attain renown of ancient gentility in their line and posterity. And therefore I Gartier King of Arms abovesaid who not only by common renown but also by the report and testimony of other noble men worthy of credence am truly advertised and informed that John Alfrey has long persued feats of arms and as well in this as in other his affairs has borne himself valiantly and conducted himself honourably so that he has deserved well and is well worthy that henceforth perpetually and for ever he and his posterity may be in all places honourably admitted renowned counted numbered and received among the number and in the company of other ancient gentle and noble men. And for the remembrance of this his gentility I have devised ordained and assigned to the said John Alfrey for him and his heirs the blazon helmet and crest in the manner which follows. That is to say ung escu de six points de sable et dermyns a trois colz de signe dargent rasez membrez de gueulez et couronnez parmy chun dune couronne des enchaynez de mesmes es diz pointz de sable Et le tymbre sur le haulme deux colz de signe dargent acolans lun lautre ensemble pareillement couronnez et membres a une torse dargent de sable et de gueulez emnantelle de meismce double dargent ci comme la picture en la marge cy devant le demonstre to have and to hold for him and his said heirs and to invest them thereof for evermore. In witness whereof I Gartier King of Arms above named have signed with my hand and sealed with my seal these present Made and given the first day of March in the year of grace one thousand four hundred and fifty nine.

Harleian Society Publications Volumes 76-77: A Collection of Miscellaneous Grants by Willoughby A. Littledale (London: J. Whitehead & Son, 1925)

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