To all gentlemen & women theise prsent letters hearing
or seeing humble recommendacion by my Guyan King of Armes, hit is so that manye
psons moved of noble Courage purposinge to excercyse & use vertuous manners
& condicions by abillitye of wch psons foresayd Guyon Kinge of Armes, a discrete
and notable man called William Swayne borne in the Countie of Somerset
requyring & praying me to devyse A Sygne And a Cognisuance in fourme of
armes for him & the issue of his boddie lawfully begotten to beare and use
in war & peace for perpetuall memorie at the request of him concerninge the
wooorshifull dispotion of his person & habilitie in all gentilnes. I have
devised yeoven & graunted unto the said Wm A Signe & A Cognisance of
Armes, thay is to saye, that hee bears Azure, A Chevron of golde between three
brode arrowe heads of the same, A Chiefe gules with three maydens heads in
there heare. The weh blazon I foresayd Gwyon Kinge of Armes witnesse: not then
borne of any other pson whatsoever he bee wthin the Realme of England
(otherwyse called the Ile of Great Brittaigne) The whiche signe and armes to
have use & hold unto the said Wm Swayne & to the issue &
procreation of his boddy lawfullie begotten in all Woorship and genliness
everlasting And them to beare and enjoye without clayme or empechment of any pson
for evermore. Into witness of wch I have doo written theise prsentes Sealed wth
the Seale of myne Armes & signed with my Signe manuell the xxixti daye of
the moneth of January arye in the xxxixth yeere of the Reygne of our Soveraigne
lorde King Henrie the vith after the Conquest of England: p Gyan King of Armes
Harleian Society
Publications Volumes 76-77: A Collection of Miscellaneous Grants by Willoughby A. Littledale
(London: J. Whitehead & Son, 1925)
[Source: Fifteenth
Century Patents of Arms]
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