Friday, 18 October 2013

Leathersellers Company, 1479

To all true Christian people this Letters readinge hearinge or seinge, I, John Moore alias Norrey, Kinge of Armes, and principall Herault of the Northe partes of this Realme of England, send due and humble commendacion and greetinge (as it apperteineth) in or Lord God everlastinge. Trowth it is that the Mr and Wardens of the Craft of Leathersellers, of this Cittie of London, hath bene wth me, and required me, in so much as I had wedded a wife of the same Companie, to testifie and affirme the Armes of the same Crafte; and at the instance and request of them so doe. Certifyinge that they beare silver three Roe buckes passant gules, lookinge backwardes, armed sables; mooreplaine, the hornes and cleyes black. The Creast, the forepart of a Roe buck from the middle upwardes, shewinge the forefeet, standinge in a wreath silver and gules, the Mantell gules and ermyn. To have and to hould for evermore to their honnor. In witness hereof I seale this present letter with the seale of myne Armes, and signed wth my signe manuell.Written in London, the xxth day of May, the xixth yere of Edw. ye iiijth. Norrey King of Armes

The History and Antiquities of the Worshipful Company of Leathersellers by William Henry Black (London: E.J. Francis, 1871)

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