Latin with bounds.
In nomine saluatoris, cuius
pietate regimen assequti sumus, quo etiam gubernante regnamus et omnia que
habere cognoscimur ipso largiente habita possidemus. Pro qua re ego Eadricus
rex Cantuariorum a presenti die et tempore terram iuris mei, quamuis pretium
competens acciperim hoc est argenti libras decem, in monasterio beati Petri
apostolorum principis quod situm est iuxta ciuitatem Dorouernis una cum
consensu meorum patriciorum inperpetuum donaui et dono. Que supradicta terra
coniuncta est terre quam sancte memorie Clotharius quondam rex beato Petro pro
remedio anime sue donasse cognoscitur. Que terra determinatur: ex una parte
habet uadum quod appellatur fordstreta publica indirectum et a parte alia
flumen quod nominatur Stur. Omnes terras sationales cum pratis, campis, siluis,
fontanis uel mariscum quod appellatur Stodmersch', cum omnibus ad supradictam
terram aratrorum trium pertinentia, beato Petro eiusque familie in qua nunc
preesse Adrianus abbas dinoscitur tradidi possidendam, et quicquid exinde
facere uoluerint utpote Domini liberam habeant potestatem. Sicut donatum est
manere decerno, numquam me heredesque meos uel successores contra hanc
donationis mee cartulam ullo tempore esse uenturos. Quod si aliquis
presumpserit, sit separatus a participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini
nostri Iesu Christi, manente hac cartula nichilominus in sua firmitate. De
quibus omnibus supradictis ac a me definitis ut ne aliqua inposterum sit
aduersitas propria manu signum sancte crucis expressi et sanctissimum atque
reuerentissimum Theodorum archiepiscopum nostrum ut subscriberet rogaui et
alios testes similiter. Actum in mense Iunio, indictione .xiiii.
+ Ego Ædricus rex in hanc
donationis mee cartulam signum sancte crucis expressi.
+ Ego Theodorus archiepiscopus
gratia Dei subscripsi.
In the name of the Savior ,
whose piety we obtain the government , which also reigns of government and all
that is known to have held the bounty possess. For that reason, I Eadric , king
of Kent , from the time the land of my rights to the present day, and ,
although the price of ten pounds of silver that is competent to take , in the
monastery of the blessed Peter, prince of the apostles that is situate near the
city of Dorouernis , together with the consent of my gifts and the gift in
perpetuity of the patricians . What is conditions aforesaid shall be joined to
the land of the holy memory of land which had once been the king of Clotharius
conveyed it to blessed Peter is known as a remedy for his soul . The land is
determined , on the one hand that ford has called fordstreta indirect public
and from another part of the river that is named Sturm . All lands sationales
with meadows , fields, forests , fountain or marsh called Stodmersch ' , with
all the above land to plow, three belonging to Peter and his family in which he
now presides over Adrian abbot known to have delivered to possess, and then do
whatever they want as the free to power . I vote to stay as it is given , I
never made my heirs or successors against this be my gift the charter at any
time arrival. That if any one shall presume , it should be separated from the
participation in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, in his own way
detracting from this charter shall nevertheless steadfastness. From all of
which it has been said above and from me, that they may take any of the future
is defined by the sign of the holy cross, pressed them with his own hand ,
adversity , and that most holy and most reverend Archbishop Theodore, subscribe
to our other witnesses and asked the same thing. Done in the month of June, and
the levy. Fourteen.
Ædricus sending the
writ of the king of the sign of the holy cross of my gift , I pressed them into
this .
Archbishop Theodore, by the
grace of God I am subscribed.
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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