Friday, 18 October 2013

Parish Clerks Company, 1482

To all true Xrien people thies presentes tres reding hering or seeing I Thomas Clarenceu Knight & King of Arms of the South parties of this Realme of England sende due & humble Recomendacon & greting as it appteigneth in our lord god eulasting: Whereas Walter Bellenger otherwise called Ireland King of Armes of the Land of Ireland had yeuen & graunted by his tres under his signe & seel of his Office unto Symon Mayew & Henry Empson Maisters for the time being of the Confraternitie founded in the Chapell of the Guyldhall within the Citie of London in the honeur of our lord god, our blessed Lady Marie the Virgin his modre & of Seint Nicholas the Armes heraftre following having noon auctoritie by virtue of his said office eny such or other Armes to distribute or yeue to eny psonne or psonnes ffraternitie or place within the precinte of my Jurisdiction, that is to say within the said South pties of Antiquitie lymited & adnulled & dampned the same and wol yat it be frustrate & void & of noon effect. And at thinstaunce Request & desire of the said Maisters I the said King of Armes by the power & auctoritie to myn office in this ptie annexed & attributed, seing & considering their good & laudable disposicions set & grounded upon honeur & nobles, have yeuven & graunted unto them & their Successors the same Armes so to them before yeuven & graunted unto them & their Successors the same Armes so to them before yeuven & graunted as above, That is to say A sheld asur a chefe goules a flour de lice gold in the chefe the hede of a Leoparde of the same tonged goules two halywatr Sprencles of gold & silver ensautur upon all. The Creste upon ye helme sex halywater sprencles newed wt gold & silvr, the mantell asur & goules furred wt Ermyn, as in the picture her in the mergyn more plenly it doth appere. To have & hold the same Armes to John Delhm Robert Vernon now Maisters & to their Successours Maisters of the said Confraternitie & ffelasship, them to enjoy & vse at their pleasurs to their honeur peasibly without chalenge or interupcion for eumore In Witness whereof I Clarenceu the said King of Armes of the said pties of the South have signed thies psent 3 wt myn owne hand and the same have sealed wt my seel of auctoritie At London the xvith day of July the xxii yere of the Reigne of our souvereigne Lord King Edward the fourth: Clarenceu King of Armes

Heralds Commemorative Exhibition: 1484-1934 (London: Tabard Press, 1970)

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