Latin with bounds.
+ In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi . Omnem hominem qui
secundum deum uiuit et remunerari a deo sperat et optat . oportet ut piis
precibus assensum hilariter ex animo prebeat . Quoniam certum est tanto
facilius ea quae quisque a deo poposcerit consequi posse quanto et ipse libentius
hominibus recte postulata concesserit . Quo circa ego Sigiraed rex Cantiae tibi
uenerabili Earduulfo episcopo ut diligenter postulasti aliquam particulam terre
iuris mei id est quasi unius et semis iugeri in ciuitate Hrofi ad augmentum
monasterii tui eternaliter possidendam concedo ac describo cum omnibus scilicet
ad eam pertinentibus rebus . Hec autem terrula ab aquilonali porte monasterii
tui iacet . et pertingit usque ad septentrionalem murum prefate ciuitatis intra
terras uidelicet quas antea ab oriente et occidente possedisti et ideo hec tibi
satis accommoda quia in medio iacebat . Siquis autem contra hanc donationem
meam aliquando uenire inuido maliuoloque animo temptauerit . sit in presenti
separatus a communione sancte aecclesie Christi . et in futuro a societate
sanctorum omnium segregatus . Manentem hanc kartulam in sua semper firmitate
signo dominice crucis roboraui et idoneos testes ut et id ipsum facerent
adhibui . Actum indictione . xv . anno dominice incarnationis . dcclxii .
+ Ego Sigiraed rex Cantiae . hanc donationem meam signo
sancte crucis roboraui .
+ Ego Eadberht rex Cantiae . consentiens propria manu
confirmaui .
+ Ego Bregouuine archiepiscopus . consensi et subscripsi .
+ Ego Aldhuun abbas subscripsi .
+ Signum manus Suuithuun .
+ Signum manus Aethilhuun.
+ Signum manus Esni .
+ Signum manus Egbaldi .
+ Signum manus Uuighaað .
+ Signum manus Bunan .
+ Signum manus Heabeorhti .
+ Signum manus Tiidheah .
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The man who is to be
rewarded by God according to God for all the lives and hopes and desires . must
assent cheerfully pious prayers from the heart we need . Since it is certain
that each one of those things that are so much the more easily are called upon
by God, by how much also he is more willing to be able to obtain the demands of
right to a man the display. What about you, venerable king of Kent Earduulfo
Sigiraed I carefully asked the bishop to some portion of the land from my
property that is like one and a half an acre of land in the city of Rochester
to increase your monastery eternally possess grant and describe all the things
belonging to it . This small piece of land from the northern gate of the
monastery of your lies . within the wall of the north of the city and reaching
even to that of the aforementioned countries and, therefore, of course, which
he had previously purchased from the east and the west, suitable enough for
these things to you because they are in the midst of lay. Should anyone against
this gift my previous attempt to come to an envious maliuoloque mind . in the
present is separated from the communion of the Holy Church of Christ. set apart
from the fellowship of all the saints and in the future . This kartulam always
remaining in their reliability as witnesses to the sign of the Lord's cross and
thereby make attainments. Act levy. xv. year of Our Lord . dcclxii .
I Sigiraed king of Kent . my donation, this sign of
the holy cross.
I Eadberht king of Kent . Agree with his own hand ,
I Bregouuine archbishop . , agreed to and signed.
I Aldhuun abbot subscribed.
Suuithuun hand sign .
Aethilhuun hand sign .
Esni hand sign .
Egbaldi hand sign .
Uuighaað hand sign .
Bunan hand sign .
Heabeorhti hand sign .
Tiidheah hand sign .
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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