Friday, 18 October 2013

John Aleyn, 1454

To alle true christen people thise present tres seing or hering humble Recomendacion by me Clarensewe king of arms of the South march seruant of armes. It is soo that many psones been moeved of noble and gentile to rage to exrcise virtuous ma�s and condiciones by the which wt goddes grace shall come to the pfeccion of grete honour. Of which psones oone in especial whos name is John Aleyn of the shire of Buckingham tenderly praying and requiring me the said Clarensewe king of Armes to serche for the Armes of the seid John. Where upon I the said Clarensewe king of Armes ate prayer instaunce and request of the said John have made herein due serche and founde the right armes of the seid John as his progenitours out of mind hau borne hem that is to sey quartley in the first quarter siluere & sinoble paled of iiii peeces iii Cressantes counter-chaunged, in the second quarter Asure iii egles of golde membered of silue crowned of gowles. Which armes I the seid Clarensewe King of Armes conferme unto the seid John and wtnesse here that nos psone wtin the Raume of England ought for to bere hem but the seid John and the heirs of his body lawfully begaten. In wtnesse wherof to thise tres I have sette my seall of armes and my signe manuell The viith day of May The xxxii yere of the reigne of kyng Henry the sext. Claransewe Kynge of Armys

Harleian Society Publications Volumes 76-77: A Collection of Miscellaneous Grants by Willoughby A. Littledale (London: J. Whitehead & Son, 1925)

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