Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 763 or 764. Eadberht II, king of Kent, to Sigeburga, abbess, and her familia at St Peter's Minster, Thanet; remission of toll due on two ships at Fordwich, and on a third at Fordwich and Sarre, Kent.



Regnante inperpetuum Domino nostro Iesu Christo. Unicuique mortalium uite sue terminus omnipotentis Dei dispensatione incertus esse dinoscitur. Uenit enim Dominus ad uisitandum seruum suum in die qua non sperat et hora qua non putat. Qua de re ego Eadbertus rex Cantie, anno secundo regni nostri, una cum consensu et concilio archiepiscopi Bregwini et principum meorum, pro eterna redemptione anime mee, aliquid ex his que mihi idem ipse Dominus et saluator noster cunctorum bonorum largitor tribuerit statuens donare decreueram, id est duarum nauium transuectionis censum qui etiam iuris nostri erat in loco cuius uocabulum est ad Serrae, iuxta petitionem uenerabilis abbatisse Sigeburge eiusque sacre conuersationis familie in monasterio sancti Petri, quod situm est in insula Tenet, sicut a regibus Merciorum Æthilbaldo uidelicet clementissimo et rege Offan longe ante concessum est tributum in loco cuius uocabulum est Lundenwic. Alterius uero, quod nuper edificatum est in monasterio eiusdem religiose Dei famule, omne tributum atque uectigal concedimus quod etiam a theloneariis nostris iuste impetitur publicis in locis que appellantur Fordwic et Seorre. Hinc igitur precipio et precor in nomine omnipotentis Dei patriciis, ducibus, comitibus, theloneariis, actionariis, publicis dignitatibus, ut hec nostra concessio in Dei donatione eternaliter sit confirmata, ita ut nec mihi nec alicui successorum meorum regum siue principum seu cuiuslibet conditionis dignitatibus nefario temeritatis ausu de supradicta donatione nostra aliquid fraudare uel minuere liceat. Si autem contigerit ut nauis ista rupta et confracta sit uel nimia uetustate consumpta siue etiam quod absit naufragio perdita, ut alia in loco illius ad utilitatem ibidem Deo seruientium famulorum Christi et famularum construatur, ad hanc uidelicet conditionem, ut quicquid in suis mercimoniis in diuersis speciebus adquirere possint, nobis fideliter inoffense offerre debeant simul cum ipsa naui ad locum qui appellatur Fordwik. Et quicumque de hac donatione nostra, quod etiam specialiter omnipotenti Deo firmiter concessum est, aliquid nefario caliditatis ausu abstrahere uel minuere temptauerit, sciat se a consortio sanctorum omnium separatum et cum diabolo et angelis eius inperpetuum esse dampnandum, quoniam sanctum locum istum dehonestare conatus est, in quo primi apostolorum principis Petri intercessio orationibus assiduis et elemosinis floret pro omni populo Christiano. Iccirco uiuens benedictione dei carebit et moriens maledictioni debite subiacebit, nisi digna satisfactione emendauerit quod inique studuit deprauare. Quicumque uero hec augenda custodierit sit benedictus inperpetuum et beatissimam uocem audire mereatur cum sanctis, Uenite benedicti patris mei.1

+ Ego Edbertus rex hanc donationem a me factam propria manu signo sancte crucis roboraui.
+ Ego Bregowinus archiepiscopus ad petitionem Edberti regis signum sancte crucis expressi.
+ Signum manus Iaenberti abbatis.
+ Signum manus Daene abbatis.
+ Signum Bruuni abbatis.
+ Signum manus Baltheardi comitis.
+ Signum Eathelhun principis.
+ Signum manus Redfridi.
+ Signum manus Budda.
+ Signum manus Athelberti.
+ Signum manus Headda.
+ Signum manus Egesasi.
+ Signum manus Aldredi.

1 Matt. 25: 34


During the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ for ever . The term of his life of mortal men to each one of the dispensation of the Almighty God, is known to be uncertain . He came to pay visits his servant for the Lord in the day when he does not expect and at an hour he does not think . Eadbert Wherefore, I, the king of Kent, of the second year of our kingdom, and with the consent of the council of the archbishop of one of my Bregwini and of the princes , and for the eternal redemption of my soul , I was to give some of these very same man, he attributed the giver of the good of all , our Lord and Savior shows had decided to endow with setting up , ie, two transport ships is also our right to tax that was in place, whose name is a saw, according to the petition, the venerable abbess Sigeburge its sacred family life in the monastery of St. Peter , which is located on the island holds , as of kings and the king of Mercia Æthelbald namely Clement Offan far is the tax has been already admitted in a place whose name is Lundenwic . The other , which was recently built in the monastery of the same religious servant of God , grant that all tax and taxes also from our theloneariis justly attacked public places which are called Fordwic and Zohar . Hence therefore, I pray in the name of the Almighty God, and I order the patricians, from dukes, earls, theloneariis , actionariis , in their public dignities, that this our grant was confirmed to be eternally in the deed of gift of God , so that it not to me nor to any of my successors , or of any condition of the princes or dignitaries of the kings of that wicked act of rashness attempt to defraud or diminish any of the above , our donation allowed . If, however, this ship so be that he is to be broken, and the broken, spent, or excessive or even , God forbid, the lapse of a shipwreck are lost, so that they are serving God in the same place , in the place of that to the benefit of Thy servants and handmaids of Christ, and is construed , the condition of the course, to this end, that whatever their trade and to different species of they can acquire , we must faithfully pleasantly offer simultaneous with the ship to a place called Fordwik . And as many of our own this donation , which he also firmly agreed that they to Almighty God in a special way , something wicked act of heat may be taken away or attempt to abstract the daring , let him know that he is separate from the company of all the saints , and to be damned in perpetuity, with the devil and his angels , for he is holy is this place, he tried to dishonor by , in which the constant of the first prince of the apostles Peter and almsgiving intercession prayers for all the people flourishes, Christian. Therefore, they will lack the blessing of God is living and dying are properly subject to the curse , but the violence has amended worthy satisfaction studied corrupt . But this increase will keep whoever is blessed for ever and deserves to hear the voice of the happiest with the saints , the holy father Come mei.1

Edbertus + I, the king with his own hand made ​​by me in the Donation of this sign of the holy cross. At the request of the king , the archbishop Edberti Bregowinus
+ I, expressed in terms of the sign of the holy cross .
+ Sign Iaenberti hand Abbot.
+ Sign Daene hand Abbot.
+ Sign Bruuni Abbot.
+ Sign Baltheardi hand count.
+ Sign Eathelhun Prince.
+ Sign Redfridi hand .
+ Mark Budd hands .
+ Sign Athelberti hand .
+ Sign Headda hand .
+ Sign Egesasi hand .
+ Mark Aldred hand .

Translation by Google Translate.

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