Endorsement (in hand of s. xi or xii): Privilegium Wichtredi
Regis Cantie et Brihtuualdi archiepiscopi de libertate Anglicane Ecclesie .
latine .
+ In nomine domini Dei nostri et salvatoris Jhesu
Christi:--- Congregatum est magnum concilium in loco ubi nominatur .
Baccancelde . Præsidente autem eodem concilio . Uuihtredo . clementissimo regi
Cantuariorum . necnon . Berhtuualdo . reverentissimo archiepiscopo . Brittanniæ
. simulque Tobiæ Hrofensis æcclesiæ . ceterisque Abbatibus . abbatissis .
presbiteris . diaconibus . ducibus . Satrapis . in unum glomeratis . pariter
tractantes . ancxie examinantes de statu æcclesiarum Dei vel monasteriorum
intra Cantiam . quæ a fidelibus regibus prodecessoribus meis . et propinquis .
Deo omnipotenti in propriam hereditatem condonata fuerunt . quomodo . vel
qualiter secundum normam æquitatis stare . quidve servare amodo et usque ad finem
sæculi constituimus. Ideo ego Uuihtred rex terrenus . a rege regum compunctus .
zelo rectitudinis accensus . ex antiqua traditione sanctorum patrum . et
mandatis didici non . esse . licitum alicui ex laico habitu sibi ipsi usurpare
. vel ad se trahere quasi suam propriam possessionem . quod ante fuerat domino
concessum . et cruce Christi firmatum . atque dedicatum . quia scimus et
veraciter extat . ut si quid semel acceperit homo de manu alterius in propriam
potestatem , nullatenus sine ira et ultione illud dimiserit , impunitus . Ideo
horrendum est hominibus exspoliare Deum vivum . et scindere tonicam ejus . et
hereditatem ejus . quotquot ex aliquo ei concessum fuerit de terrenis
substantiis ad id ut eo facilius promereri valeant æternam retributionem
percipere in cælis . quia manifeste declaratur . quanto incautius adplicaverit
se homo secularis in hereditatem regis æterni . et ad ejus imperium trahere
desiderat . tanto districtius ab eodem Deo in igne inextinguibili puniatur .
Pro ac re firmiter statuimus . atque decernimus . et in nomine omnipotentis Dei
omniumque sanctorum precipimus omnibus successoribus nostris . regibus .
principibus vel omnibus qui in habitu laico constituti sunt . ut nullus umquam
habeat licentiam accipere alicujus æcclesiæ vel familiæ monasteriis dominium .
quæ a me ipso . vel antecessoribus meis priscis temporibus tradita erant in
perpetuam hereditatem Jhesu Christo . et sanctis apostolis etiamque Maria
virgine domini nostri sacrata . Sed magis sicut decet et in canonibus precipitur
servandum est . quando quis evenerit ex numero dominorum obigere de sæculo .
Abbas . vel abbatissa . propterea invitatur propriæ porræhiæ episcopus et cum
ejis consilio . vel consensu . quisquis dignus inveniatur . et ejus vita atque
munditia ab episcopo examinatur . talis eligatur . et ab episcopo benedicatur .
sanctificatur dominus spiritalis . gradui Dei servitiæ et tonsure seu sacræ
velamine mancipatus . et nullo modo sino consultu . et licentia archiepiscopi
in diocesi suo Abbas . vel abbatissa eligatur . Si quis per insipientiam aliter
faciat . pro nihilo habeatur . citiusque abiciatur . neque de ac re aliquid
pertineat ad regis secularis imperium . quia illius personis est . principes .
prefectos . seu duces seculares statuere . Metropolitani episcopi est æcclesias
Dei regere . gubernare . atque abbates . abbatissas . presbiteros . diacones
eligere . statuere . et sanctificare . firmare . et ammonere . ne quis ovis de
ovibus æterni pastoris erret. Hoc preceptum statuimus his monasteriis . quorum
nomina hæc sunt adnotata . primus primi apostolorum principis Petri . Id est
Upmynster . Raculf . Suðmynster . Dofras . Folcanstan . Limming . Scepeig . Æt
Hoe . Hæc omnia interdicimus sicut ante diximus ut nullus habitus ex numero
laicorum ad se pertrahat vel suscipiat ullum monasterium de his prenominatis.
Hæc lex supra dicta per evum completa permaneat; Adhuc addimus majorem
libertatem. Inprimis Christi æcclesiæ . cum omnibus agris ad eam pertinentibus
. Similiter Hrofensis æcclesiæ cum suis . ceterisque predictis omnibus
ecclesiis Dei nostri subiciantur pro salute animæ meæ meorumque prodecessorum .
et pro spe celestis regni . ex [h]ac die et deinceps concedimus . et donamus ab
omnibus difficultatibus secularium servitutis . a pastu regis . principum . comitum
. necnon ab operibus majoribus minoribusve gravitatibus et ab omni debitu . vel
pulsione regum censuris . liberas eos . esse . perpetua libertate statuimus .
nisi suo spontanea voluntate ex largitate beneficiorum quid facere velint .
tamen hoc inposterum non servetur . nec habeatur in malam consuetudinem . sed
magis securi possint pro nobis Deo omnipotenti hostias dignas offerre . et
inmaculatis muneribus nostra abluere peccata . ut per eorum intercessiones
mereamur audire felicem sententiam. 'Venite benedicti patris mei percipite
regnum . quod vobis paratum est ab origine mundi.'1 Si quis autem rex umquam
post nos elevatus in regnum . aut episcopus . aut abbas . vel comes . seu ulla
potestas hominum contradicat huic kartule aut infringere temptaverit . sciat se
sequestratum a corpore . et sanguine . domini nostri Jhesu Christi . seu etiam
sic excommunicatum . sicut qui non habet remissionem neque in hoc seculo neque
in futuro . nisi ante pleniter emendaverit judicio episcopi . Manente tamen hac
kartula inrefragabilis sua firmitate . muniatur . servetur . et habeatur semper
ad ecclesiam salvatoris . que sita est in civitate Dorobernia ubi
metropolitanum capud habetur ad exemplum atque defensionem omnibus æcclesiis
Dei quæ in hac Cantia morantur . Hæc lex inviolabilis usque ad consummationem
sæculi permaneat . quia nulli homini terreno data sunt . sed hæc omnia in manus
Dei omnipotentis sanctorumque ejus concedimus . et donamus . . ---
+ Ego Uuihtredus . auxilio Christi rex his legibus
constitutis pro me . et Uuerburgam reginam . itemque filio nostro Alrico
subscripsi .
+ Ego Berhtuuald gratia Dei archiepiscopus . his legibus a
nobis constitutis subscripsi.
+ Signum manus Æþelberhti pro se . et fratre suo Eadberto .
+ Signum manus Tobie episcopi . + Signum manus Mylðryðe
abbatisse .
+ Signum manus Ætte abbatisse .
+ Signum manus Æþeldryðe abbatisse .
+ Signum manus Wilnoðe abbatisse .
+ Signum manus Hereswyðe abbatisse .
+ Signum manus Redempti presbiteri . .
+ Signum manus Æscwaldi presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Eatfriði presbiteri.
+ Signum manus Botredi presbiteri.
+ Signum manus Hyssan presbiteri.
+ Signum manus Kynheri presbiteri.
+ Signum manus Aldwulfi presbiteri.
+ Signum manus Walh presbiteri.
+ Signum manus Beonna presbiteri.
Hoc privilegium prescriptum ex altera parte ecclesiis Dei
constitutum Wihtredo regi Cantuariorum roboratum . est . atque firmatum in
synodo mense Julio in loco qui vocatur Cloveshoh . cum auctoritate omnium .
quarum hæc sunt nomina adscripta . Anno ab incarnatione domini . dcc . xvi .
Indictione . xiii . Anno primo regni regis Æþelbaldi Merciorum . Si quis autem
tyrannica potestate inflatus ex habitu secularium seu ecclesiasticarum
infringere minuere temptaverit auctoritatem archiepiscopi et Christi ecclesiæ .
vel libertatem cænobiarum . carebit letitia et communione nostrorum omnium
vivens et moriens . non solum ipse sed et qui ei viventi vel morienti
conjungitur . nisi digna satisfactione correxerit judicio episcoporum.
+ Ego Berhtwaldus gratia Dei archiepiscopus hoc privilegium
'in' synodo constitutum subscripsi .
+ Ego Hædda episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Uuor episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Ecgwine episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Forðhere episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Danihel episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Eadberht episcopus hoc idem subscripsi
+ Ego Acca episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Inguuald episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Hærdred episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Nothbert episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Torhthere episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Tobias episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Ego Eadgar episcopus hoc idem subscripsi .
+ Signum manus Wihtbaldi presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Boseli presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Cylani presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Bultfriði presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Wiligeldi presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Badoþini presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Eadbaldi presbiteri .
+ Signum manus Eoredi diaconi .
+ Signum manus Aðugilsi prepositi .
+ Signum manus Ludhere prepositi .
+ Signum manus Duddan . prepositi .
+ Signum manus Albini abbatis .
+ Signum manus Æðelfridi comitis .
+ Beornheard .
+ Passa .
+ Abba.
+ Dunna .
+ Wilbald .
+ Ecca .
+ Egisberht .
+ Ald wulf .
+ Scir heard .
+ Fug .
+ Herewald .
+ Adulf .
+ ..... iges.
+ . . a.
+ Bregwald .
+ Siba .
+ Gænbald .
+ Pohta .
+ Tuna .
+ Tigga .
+ Gormund .
1 Matt. 25: 34.
Shorter version (from Birch 92)
+ Anno ab incarnatione domini. dc . xciiii. Whytredus
gloriosus rex kanciæ cum reverentissimo archiepiscopo Brightwaldo præcepit
congregari concilium in loco qui nominatur Bachancild, præsidente eodem
concilio jam nominato clementissimo rege Cantuariorum Whytredo, et eodem
venerando patre primate totius Britanniæ, simulque Tobia episcopo Roffensis
æcclesiæ , cum abbatibus , abbatissis , presbyteris , diaconibus , ducibus ,
satrapis , pariter tractantes de statu æcclesiarum Dei in Anglia , et de hiis
quæ a fidelibus regibus prædecessoribus ejus et propinquis , Æðelberto
videlicet posterisque ejus , Deo omnipotenti in propriam hæreditatem data
fuerunt , qualiter secundum veram justiciam stare et permanere valeant , vel
quomodo ea servare oporteat amodo et usque in finem sæculi constituentes . Ego
, inquit , Whytredus . rex terrenus , a rege regum compunctus , zelo
rectitudinis accensus , ex antiqua traditione sanctorum patrum didici , non
esse licitum alicui homini in laico habitu constituto usurpare sibi quasi
propriam possessionem quod fuerat ante domino concessum et cruce Christi
firmatum. Scimus enim et veraciter constat quia quod semel acceperit homo
donatione alterius in propriam potestatem , nullatenus sine injuria illud
iterum dimittet . Horrendum est itaque hominibus Deum vivum exspoliare,
tunicamque ejus et hæreditatem scindere . Cum ergo Deo oblatum aliquid fuerit
de terrenis substantiis , ad hoc ut facilius promereri valeant offerentes
æternam retributionem percipere in cælis manifeste declaratur , quod quanto
incautius homo sæcularis applicuit se in hæreditatem regis æterni , tanto
districtius a Deo punietur. Pro qua re firmiter decernimus , et in nomine
omnipotentis Dei omniumque sanctorum præcipimus , omnibus successoribus nostris
regibus , principibus et omnibus in laico habitu constitutis , ut nulli unquam
liceat alicujus æcclesiæ vel monasterii dominium habere quæ a me vel
antecessoribus meis priscis temporibus tradita sunt Deo in perpetuam
hæreditatem et sanctis ejus : magis autem sicut in canonibus præcipitur
servandum est ut quando aliquis de prælatis defungitur episcopus , abbas , vel
abbatissa , intimetur archiepiscopo propriæ parochiæ et cum ejus consilio et
consensu vita ac munditia ejus examinata qui dignus invenitur eligatur , et
nullo modo sine consensu et consultu archiepiscopi promoveatur . Neque enim de
hac re aliquid pertinet ad decretum vel imperium regis . Illius autem est
comites , duces , optimates , principes , præfectos , judices sæculares ,
statuere ; metropolitani vero est archiepiscopi æcclesias Dei replere gubernare
, episcopos , abbates , abbatissas , cæterosque prælatos eligere statuere ,
firmare , admonere , ne quis de ovibus Christi , scilicet æterni pastoris ,
aberret . Hæc lex per ævum in regno nostro in perpetuum permaneat omnibus
æcclesiis Dei nostri pro salute animæ meæ meorumque prædecessorum , proque spe
cælestis regni . Igitur ex hac die et deinceps concedimus et donamus æcclesiis
regni nostri liberas esse perpetua libertate ab omnibus difficultatibus
sæcularis servitutis , ab omni debito vel pulsione regalium tributorum , ut
possint pro nobis Deo omnipotenti hostias dignas offerre nostraque peccata
abluere immaculatis muneribus . Si quis autem rex post nos levatus in regnum,
aut episcopus aut abbas , seu aliqua alia persona contradixerit huic concilio ,
vel scripto judicio concilii facto , sciat se a corpore et sanguine domini
sequestratum et sic excommunicatum , sicut ille qui non habebit remissionem ,
neque in hoc sæculo neque in futuro , nisi ante mortem secundum judicium
archiepiscopi emendaverit . Hoc scriptum irrefragabile sua firmitate muniatur ,
servetur , et semper habeatur in æcclesia salvatoris , quæ sita est in civitate
Dorobernia ubi primas habetur , ad exemplum omnium æcclesiarum atque
deffensionem quæ in Anglia habentur .
+ Ego Wihtredus auxilio Christi rex hiis tegibus constitutis
pro me et Werburga regina
itemque filio nostro Ælrico subscripsi .
+ Ego Brihtuualdus gratia Dei archiepiscopus hiis legibus
constitutis subscripsi .
Endorsement ( in the hand of s . Eleven or twelve ) :
Privilege Wichtredi Brihtuualdi King of Kent and the Archbishop of the
Church of England independence . Latin.
+ In the name of the Lord our God and Saviour Jesus Christ :
Gather ye together --- is a great council in the place where it is mentioned .
Baccancelde . But the council presidency . Wihtred . gracious King of Kent . as
well . Berhtuualdo . reverend archbishop . Britain . Tobias at Rochester church . other abbots . Abbess .
priests . deacons. leaders . Lords . crowding into one . we conferred together
. ancxie examine the state of the church
of God or monasteries within Kent . by the
faithful kings, my predecessors had done . and relatives. To Almighty God for
his own inheritance to condone the past. how . or how, according to the norm of
justice is to stand. or how to keep from now until the end of the world to make
. So I Wihtred earthly king . Stricken by the king of kings . burning zeal for
righteousness . an ancient tradition of the holy fathers . I learned not to the
commands . be . permitted to any one to usurp for themselves from the laity .
as if it were his own property, or to the taking to himself the possession.
before that it had been granted to the owner . Cross of Christ and chaos . and
dedicated . because we know and truly stands out . once out of the hand of the
other , in order that any man hath taken a proper power, not by any means ,
without wrath and take revenge of it put away , unpunished. Therefore it is
horrible men robbing the living God. and pull his tonic . and his heritage .
has been granted to him, as many as from some of the things of this world And
that you may the more easily to the merit they may be able to perceive an
eternal recompense in heaven. because clearly declared. How much less man
adplicaverit the secular heritage of the Eternal King . and at his command, he
desires to draw . so much the more to be punished with more severity by the
same God in the fire unquenchable . For business and firmly established .
disuse. and in the name of Almighty God and of all the saints, we order all our
successors . kings . or the heads of all who are in the habit of a lay person
were founded. that no one will ever have to take the permission of the family
of a church or monastery of the Lord . that of myself . or my ancestors were in
the times of old, traditional perpetual inheritance Jesus Christ . and also the
holy apostles of our Lord and the Virgin Mary, dedicated to the goddess . But
still more are ordered as they should be and in the canons to be observed. What
happens when the number of the lords of the world obigere . Abbot . or abbess .
therefore invited porræhiæ own bishop and with ejis advice . or consent .
Whoever is found worthy . examined by the bishop , and his life and elegance .
Such elected . and be blessed by the bishop . sanctified spiritual master .
equal to the level of service and the tonsure , enslaved, or holy veil . and in
no way allows consideration . and permission of the archbishop of the diocese,
his abbot . or elected abbess . If any one by means of the folly of doing
otherwise . for nothing . soon cast . nor of anything and really belongs to the
secular government . because that person is . leaders . reeves . or secular
leaders to decide . A metropolitan, the bishop is to rule the church of God
. govern . and abbots . abbesses . priests . deacons choose . establish . and
sanctify . strengthen . and ammonia . a sheep of the shepherd of the flock,
lest any man should err of the eternal . This precept to establish these
monasteries . Those are the names of these notes . The first of the first of
the apostles . That is Upmynster . Raculf . Suðmynster . Dofras . Folcanstan .
Limming . Scepeig . This Corston . Forbid all these things as I have said
before that no one from a number of lay people to draw themselves or receive
any of the above named monastery . This law has been said by evum complete
abide still add greater freedom . First of all, Christ Church .
with all the fields belonging to it . Similarly Rochester church with his family. all the
other churches of God for the salvation of our souls and mine, submitted
predecessor . and for the hope of the heavenly kingdom. from the [ H ] , we
agree and day and forward . and gifts from all secular service difficulties .
from feeding the king. leaders . counts . minoribusve very large distances, as
well as from the works of gravity and from all debts. or impulse of censures.
free them . be . establish lasting freedom . from the generosity of benefits,
but only with its own free will to do what they want to . But this future is
not observed. nor should the harmful habit . but they can be more secure for us
worthy to offer sacrifices to God Almighty . wash away the sins of our gifts,
and without blemish . so that by their intercession, we may deserve to happy to
hear the sentence. ' Come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom.
prepared for you from the foundation of the world. '1 But if any man at any
time after us he was lifted up into the kingdom of the king . or bishop . or
abbot . or companion. or any attempt to weaken the power of men or kartule contradicts
this . know he sequestered from the body . and blood. of our Lord Jesus Christ.
so or even excommunicated . just as he who hath never forgiveness, neither in
this world or the next . but before fully amend the judgment of the bishop .
Still remaining this kartula IRRESISTIBLE their reliability. guarded.
preserved. there is always , and to the church of the savior . which lies in
the city of Canterbury , where the head is
considered the model of the metropolitan church
of God , and the defense of all things
in this Kent
delay. Thus the law may remain inviolable , even to the consummation of the
world . of earth was given to man to no one because they are . but all these
things into the hands of Almighty God and his saints we grant it. and gifts. .
+ I Wihtred . the help of the established laws of Christ the
King of these for me. Uuerburgam and queen. and our son , Alric subscribed.
+ I, by the grace of God archbishop of Berhtuuald . being
settled, subscribed by us on these terms . Æþelberhti
+ Mark of the hand for himself . and his brother EADBERT .
+ Sign Tobit hands of the bishop .
+ Sign Mylðryðe hand abbess .
+ Sign Ætte hand abbess .
+ Sign Æþeldryðe hand abbess .
+ Sign Wilnoðe hand abbess .
+ Sign Hereswyðe hand abbess .
+ Sign Redeemed hands of a priest . .
+ Sign Æscwaldi hands of a priest .
+ Sign Eatfriði hands of a priest .
+ Sign Botredi hands of a priest .
+ Sign Hyssan hands of a priest .
+ Sign Kynheri hands of a priest .
+ Sign Aldwulf hands of a priest .
+ Sign Walh hands of a priest .
+ Sign Beonna hands of a priest .
Above this privilege on the other side of the established
churches Wihtredo king of Kent
strengthened . is . and affirmed that the month of July , in the place which is
called in a synod Cloveshoh . with all authority . whose names were inscribed .
The year of our lord. seven . xvi. Levy. xiii. Æþelbaldi the first year of the
reign of king of the Mercians. If any of tyrannical power of the dress inflated
secular or ecclesiastical authority of the archbishop, and he tried to break to
lessen the Churches of Christ . cænobiarum or freedom . will be deprived of all
our joy and communion in life and death . and he that is joined to him, but he
himself is not only the living or the dying . corrected unless it is worthy of
satisfaction of the judgment of bishops.
+ I, by the grace of God archbishop Berhtwaldus this
privilege ' in the ' Council established subscribed.
+ I Hædda same bishop subscribed.
+ I Uuor same bishop subscribed.
+ I Ecgwine same bishop subscribed.
+ I Forðhere same bishop subscribed.
+ I , Daniel , bishop of the same sign.
+ I + I subscribed Eadberht same bishop , Bishop Acca same
+ I Inguuald same bishop subscribed.
+ I Hærdred same bishop subscribed.
+ I Nothbert same bishop subscribed.
+ I Torhthere same bishop subscribed.
+ I , Tobias , bishop of the same sign.
+ I , Edgar same bishop subscribed.
+ Sign Wihtbaldi hands of a priest .
+ Sign Boseli hands of a priest .
+ Sign Cylani hands of a priest .
+ Sign Bultfriði hands of a priest .
+ Sign Wiligeldi hands of a priest .
+ Sign Badoþini hands of a priest .
+ Sign Eadbald hands of a priest .
+ Sign Eoredi hand deacons .
+ Sign Aðugilsi hands of the provost .
+ Sign Ludham hands of the provost .
+ Sign Duddan hand . provost .
+ Mark Abbot Albinus hand .
+ Sign Æðelfridi hand count.
+ Beornheard .
+ Miles.
+ Abba .
+ Dunn .
+ Wilbald .
+ Ecca.
+ Egisberht . ALD is sought
+ Wulf .
+ Know heard .
+ Flight .
+ Herewald .
+ Alph .
+ ..... iges .
+ . . from .
+ Bregwald .
+ Ziba .
+ Gænbald .
+ Pohta .
+ Tuna .
+ Tigga .
+ Gormund .
1 Matt . 25 : 34 .
Shorter version (from Birch 92)
+ Year of our Lord . dc . xciiii . Whytredus glorious king
of Kent with the most reverend Archbishop Brightwaldo charged council convened
at a place called Bachancild , already mentioned, to the presidency council
Clement Whytredo king of Kent , and the revered father of the primate of the
whole of Britain , with Tobias , bishop of Rochester church , abbots , abbesses
, priests, deacons , dukes, lords , we conferred together about the state of
the church of God in England, by the faithful , and from these things that the
kings his predecessors had done , and so close at hand , that is to say
Æthelberht his posterity, from which , at one's own inheritance was given to
almighty God have been, according to the true justice to how they may be able
to stand and continue , or how they are it is required to keep that from
henceforth and for setting up their end of the world . I said, Whytredus .
earthly king , by the king of kings, full of remorse , being incensed with a
zeal for righteousness , following an ancient tradition of the holy fathers , I
have learned that it is not lawful for any man to usurp for themselves , as it
were appointed to their own possession , that had been in the habit of a lay
person in front of the cross of Christ and to be confirmed by the owner . For
we know that once a man take a deed of gift and truly appears that he at one's
own power of another , without injury to by no means let go of it again . Is a
fearful thing to men , therefore utterly deprive the living God , and an
inheritance to his tunic to break up . When, therefore, anything that has been
offered to God about the things of this world , to this end, that they may be
able to offer him more easily to merit an eternal recompense in heaven to
perceive it evidently appears that lack of foresight that the more applied
himself to the secular man for an inheritance of the king of the eternal , the
more he will be punished severely by God . For that reason, we declare firmly ,
and in the name of the Almighty God, and of all the saints in charge, to all
successors, we the kings, the princes, and to all in the habit of a lay person
appointed, of any order that no one may ever have the dominion of the church of
the monastery or the things that have been handed down to God in the times of
old, by me or my predecessors and the perpetual inheritance of his saints , but
more so as it is in the canons of the charge is to be observed that when a
person performs about the prelate , bishop, abbot, or abbess , and make known ,
archbishop of his own , and with the advice and consent of the assistance has
been examined by his purity of life and who is found worthy to be elected , and
in no way without the consent of and in consultation with the Archbishop is
developed. We do not have anything on this subject pertains to the decree or
order of the king . His companions , however, is , the captains , the nobles,
the princes, governors, and judges of the lay person, to erect statues;
metropolitan archbishop of the church of God , however, is to fill up the to
govern , that the bishops , abbots, abbesses , and the rest of the prelates to
choose to establish , to strengthen , to remind us , that no man , of the flock
of Christ , that is, of an everlasting shepherd follows. Thus the law , Ever
and ever forever remain in our kingdom of our God, to all the churches of my
predecessor, for the salvation of my soul , and in favor of the heavenly hope
of the kingdom. Therefore, from this day and forward , giue , grant and our
churches would be free of the kingdom of perpetual freedom from all
difficulties, the service of a secular , of impulse or from all of the royal a
debt of taxes, so that they can wash away the sins of the spotless for us to
almighty God, and our sacrifices to offer worthy of the same gifts. But if any
of us lifted by the king after him in the kingdom, or a bishop, or abbot , or
any other person of this council he gainsay it , by deed or in writing of the
judgment of the council , let him know that he excommunicated person, and thus
sequestered from the body and blood of the Lord , just as one who shall never
have forgiveness , neither in the this world, nor in the future, unless they
have corrected it before his death, according to the judgment of the archbishop
. This may be fortified by the strength of his own inviolate their written , it
may be kept , and always be held in the church of the Saviour , which is
situated in the city of Canterbury , where the
first case, we , the church , and to the defense of an example of all the
things that we have in England
+ I Wihtredus the help of these king and queen Werburga
tegibus arranged for me and our son Ælrico subscribed.
+ I Brihtuualdus grace of God Archbishop of those checks
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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