Beneficiis Dei et Domini nostri Iesu Christi nobis collatis
non immemores, ego Wihtredus rex Cantie et coniunx mea Adelburga pro remedio
animarum nostrarum beati Petri apostolorum principis monasterio quod situm est
in suburbano huius Dorouernis ciuitatis , in quo preesse dinoscitur Adrianus
abbas huc missus ab apostolica sede eiusque familie que nunc et futura est,
terram iuris nostri quinque aratrorum que appellatur Litleburne, cum omnibus ad
se pertinentibus, a presenti die et tempore a nostra iurisdictione
transferentes inperpetuo tradimus possidendam, et quicquid exinde facere
uolueritis, uestri erit arbitrii, conditione interposita ut nostri memoriam
habeatis tam in missarum solemniis quam in orationibus uestris, incessanter
nobis misericordiam a Domino postulantes. Quisquis uero contra hanc largitatis
nostre donationem quolibet tempore contraire presumpserit, nouerit se quisquis
ille sit a participatione corporis et sanguinis Domini nostri Iesu Christi
alienum et a consortio fidelium segregandum, manente hac cartula nostre
donationis in sua nichilominus firmitate, ad cuius confirmationem pro
ignorantia litterarum signum sancte crucis expressimus et testes ut
subscriberent rogauimus. Actum in mense Martio, indictione nona.
+ Signum manus Wihtredi regis et donatoris.
+ Signum manus Ethelburge regine et donatricis.
+ Hoc ego Gemundus episcopus expressi.
Gathered for us are mindful of the benefits of God and of
the Lord our Lord Jesus Christ , king of Kent, and my bride , I Wihtredus
Adelburga of our souls as a remedy for the monastery of the blessed Peter,
prince of the apostles of this Dorouernis that is situate in the suburbs of the
city , in which he is well known to be in charge here, the abbot Hadrian was
sent by the Apostolic See, and his or her households of which is the now and
the future , the land of the plow , which is called the five Litleburne within
our own control , with all that belongs to it , from the present day and at the
time of turning the jurisdiction of the INCONSTANT from ours, we hand over to
possess, and from that time to do whatever you so desire, will be of your choice,
so that our memory of the condition of the interval of you may have as well
with the masses than our solemn feast in your prayers , unceasingly , requiring
us mercy from the Lord . Whoever, on the other hand , however, this bounty of
our donation at whatever time they shall presume to contravene it , let him
know that whoever he might be , and who participate in another man's body and
blood of our Lord Jesus Christ from the fellowship of the faithful of
separation, in his own way detracting from this charter shall nevertheless the
strength of our donation , to whose ignorance of writing for the confirmation
of the sign of the requested him to subscribe declared- and the witnesses of
the holy cross . Done in the month of March, the ninth indiction.
+ Sign Wihtredi hands of the king and the donor .
+ Sign Ethelburge queen and donatricis hand .
+ This I Gemundus bishop pressed .
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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