In nomine patris et filii et
spiritus sancti. Ego Eadbaldus rex gloriosi regis Æðelberti filius, quem
protodoctor et apostolus Anglorum Augustinus cum suo regno ab eternis
infernorum cruciatibus eripuit et dealbatum fonte baptismatis sanctorum
collegio copulauit, per uenerabilem Laurentium beati Augustini discipulum, quem
ipse pater nouelle adhuc Anglorum ecclesie sibi successorem in archiepiscopatum
ordinauerat, tandem sermonibus assiduis et signis ac plagis in se ipso pro me
passis ac ostensis a uolutabro scelerum lotus et ad agnitionem creatoris omnium
creaturarum promotus, Dominum Deum meum recognosco et adoro. Proinde ego
Eadbaldus , in solio paterno confirmatus, patris uestigia imitans et ecclesias
Dei quas uiriliter instantia patris Augustini fundauit et terris multisque
honoribus ditauit augens et confirmans, monasterio apostolorum Petri et Pauli
in suburbio Dorouernie ciuitatis fundato et prerogatiuo ecclesiastice
libertatis priuilegio munito terris ac uariis honoribus ditato, ad honorem Dei
et sanctorum apostolorum sanctique Augustini , pro remedio anime patris mei
meeque parentumque meorum, gratanter concedo et amicabiliter do quandam partem
terre regni mei, .xxx. aratrorum nomine Northburne, in usum monachorum ibidem
Deo famulantium, ubi ipse pater Augustinus et pater meus requiescunt, ubi etiam
archiepiscopos et reges sibi succedentes requiescere decreuerunt, ubi et corpus
meum sepeliri precipio. Hanc autem prefatam terram in omnibus ad se
pertinentibus, pascuis, paludibus, pratis, siluis ac finibus maritimis ita
liberam ac quietam dono ac dito, sicut pater meus aut ego unquam liberius
habuimus. Huius donationis confirmationem tropheo agie crucis + et carta mea
regia consignaui, assidentibus et collaudantibus archiepiscopo, baptista
scilicet meo, Laurentio et subscribente cum regina mea Æmma filiisque meis
Egfrido ac Ercumberto , cum duobus episcopis Mellito Lundonie et Iusto
Roffensis ecclesie ceterisque multis comitibus et optimatibus meis
confauentibus et subscribentibus, in huius donationis fautores et auctores
uitam eternam optantibus, in inuidentes seu minuentes Dei omnipotentis et
sanctorum apostolorum et patris nostri Augustini terribilem interminationem.
+ Ego Laurentius gratia Dei
archiepiscopus signo sancte crucis sicut regem uidi facere hoc donum confirmo.
+ Ego Emma Francorum regis filia
et regis Eadbaldi copula uexillo adorande crucis armaui.
+ Ego Mellitus Lundonie
episcopus signo sancte crucis que uidi astipulor.
+ Ego Iustus Roffensis episcopus
laudo et subscribo.
+ Ego Egbertus signo crucis
libenter corroboro.
+ Ego Ercumbertus attestatione
uenerande crucis gratanter concedo contestor et subscribo.
+ Ego Suueardus consensi.
+ Ego Guthardus subscribo.
Actum est autem anno ab
incarnatione saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi sexcentesimo octauo decimo,
indictione .iiii.
In the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Ghost. I am the king of the glorious king Eadbald
Æðelberti son , whom protodoctor Augustine and the English with their kingdom
from eternal torments of hell and rescued whitewashed the baptismal font, the
combined company , the venerable St Lawrence disciple whom he is still the
father of modern English church ordained his successor as archbishop , at last
the words of those who suffer with frequent and signs, and quarters in his very
self, for me and washed with crimes, and , to the knowledge of the Creator of
all creatures uolutabro from what has been shown has been promoted , reviewed
and I worship the LORD my God . I just Eadbald , on the throne of his father
confirmed , imitating his father's footsteps and churches of God which strongly
request father Augustine founded and in many countries , strengthening and
increasing the enriched honors , monastery Apostles Peter and Paul in the
suburbs of the city founded Dorouernie entrenched privilege and prerogative to
liberty of the church lands and various honors and, finally, to the honor of
God and the saints of the apostles and St Augustine, for the salvation of the
souls of my parents, my father's meeque , thankfully I grant and give a
friendly way by a certain portion of land of my kingdom . thirty . Northburne
the name of the plow , the use of the monks serving God there, where he himself
my father, Augustine, and the father the rest, and made a decree to rest where
there is also the archbishops and the kings of successive to one another , and
where I order my body to be buried . On the other hand , in the land of all
that belongs to the aforementioned , pastures , swamps , meadows , woods and so
maritime borders of the free and the gift of a quiet and harsh , as my father
that I will not at any time we have had more freely . Confirmation of this
grant trophy token of the holy cross + and royal charter have distinguished it
, assisting and applause, the archbishop , namely my Baptist , Lorenzo and the
signature with the queen Æmma my children and my Egfrid Ercumberto , with the
two bishops Mellitus and Justus Rochester London and other church leaders and
many of my companions confauentibus and subscribers , the authors and
supporters of this grant eternal life wishers , or the envy of decrease of the
Almighty God and the saints and apostles of our father Augustine terrible limitation
+ I, Lawrence , archbishop of
the sign of the grace of God, it is the gift of the holy cross to make it sure,
I have never seen as a king .
+ I, King of France, daughter
Emma and the standard bond Eadbald adorable cross arms .
+ I Mellitus , Bishop of London
and I saw the sign of the cross AGREE .
+ I, Justus , bishop of Rochester I praise and
+ I will gladly sign of the
cross , Egbert RECRUIT .
+ I Ercumbertus attestation
venerable cross freely concede I take and subscribe.
+ I Suueardus agreed.
+ I Guthardus subscribe.
This moreover was executed just
a week after the six hundred and tenth year from the incarnation of our Saviour
Jesus Christ , levy. Fourth .
Translation by Google Translate.
[Source: ASChart Anglo-Saxon Charters]
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