Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 679 (Reculver, May). Hlothhere, king of Kent, to Abbot Beorhtwald and his minster; grant of land at Westanae on the Isle of Thanet, and in Sturry, Kent.


+ In nomine domini nostri salvatoris Jhesu Christi. Ego Hlotharius rex Cantuariorum pro remedium animæ meæ dono terram . in tenid . quæ appellatur . tibi Bercuald . tuoque monasterio cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus campis pascuis meriscis . siluis modicis . fonnis piscaris omnibus ut dictum est ad eandem terram pertinentia . sicuti nunc usque possessa est . juxta notissimos terminos a me demonstratus et proacuratoribus meis . eodem modo tibi tuoque monasterio conferimus . teneas possedeas tu posterique tui inperpetuum defendant a nullo contradicitur . cum consensu archiepiscopi Theodori et Edrico . filium fratris mei necnon et omnium principum . sicuti tibi donata est ita tene et posteri tui :-- quisquis contra hanc donationem venire temptaverit sit ab omni Christianitata separatus . et a corpore et sanguini domini nostri Jhesu Christi suspensus . manentem . hanc donationis chartulam in sua nihilominus firmitate et pro confirmatione ejus manu propria signum sanctæ crucis expræssi et testes ut subscriberent rogavi . actum in civitate recuulf . in mense maio indictione septima :--- In ipsa ante memorato die adjunxi aliam terram in Sturia juxta notissimos terminos a me demonstratus et proacuratoribus meis cum campis et silvis et pratis sicuti ante memorabimus supra dictam terram . ita ista sit a me donata eodem modo cum omnibus ad se pertinentia in potestate abbatis sit . inperpetuum . a me donata . a nullo contradicitur quod absit . neque a me neque a parentibus meis neque ab aliis . si aliquis aliter fecerit a Deo se damnatum sciat . et in die judicii rationem reddet Deo in anima sua :---

+ Signum manus Hlothari regis donatoris .
+ Signum manus Gumbercti :--
+ Signum manus Gæbredi :--
+ Signum manus Osfridi :--
+ Signum manus Irminredi
+ Signum manus Ædilmæri .
+ Signum manus Hagani .
+ Signum manus Ældredi :
+ Signum manus Aldhodi :--
+ Signum manus Gudhardi :
+ Signum manus Bernhardi .
+ Signum manus Velhisci : . -- : . –

In the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ . Lothar I , king of Kent for a cure for my life as a gift to the earth. the tenid . that is called . Bercuald you . fields, pastures, meriscis your monastery with all that belongs to it . small woods . as has been said all the fish for the forms pertaining to this same land . as far as it is now occupied. according to the known boundaries indicated by me and my proacuratoribus . in the same way you compare your monastery . you keep your descendants possess you defend it in perpetuity . with the consent of Archbishop Theodore and Edrike . as well as the son of my brother and of all the princes. Hold on to your descendants , and was so freely given to you as : - anyone who tries to come against this gift is to be separated from all of Christianity . from the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ , and hanged. remaining . likewise in its steadfastness that this charter and for the confirmation of the sign of the holy cross expræssi his own hand , and I have asked that witnesses should subscribe . recuulf act in the city . in the month of May seventh indiction : --- In the very day before she joined another country mentioned in the Sturm known boundaries indicated by me and my proacuratoribus with fields and woods and meadows, just as before I record the above mentioned land . so this is from me, freely given to all belonging to it in the same way when it is in the power of the abbot . perpetuity . I donated. Far from it in that . neither by me nor by my parents or anyone else. if any one know how to do otherwise by God himself to be damned . will give an account to God in his own life, and in the day of judgment : ---

  Lothar hand sign of the donor .
Gumbercti hand signal : -
Sign Gæbredi hand : -
Sign Osfrid hand : -
Sign Irminredi hand sign hand Ædilmæri .
Hagan hand sign . Ældredi hand sign :
Mark of the hand Aldhodi : -
Sign Gudhardi hand :
Mark of the hand Bernard .
Velhisci hand sign . -: . –

Translation by Google Translate.

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