Saturday, 19 October 2013

A.D. 699 (Cilling, 8 April). Wihtred, king of Kent, to the churches and monasteries of Kent; confirmation of privileges.



Endorsements: (1) by the scribe of the charter: + Lib[er] Uuihtredi regis <.............>rum in Cantia. (2) in a hand of s. xii: Statutum Os[w]ii regis de libertate ecclesiarum Cantie latine.

In nomine Domini Dei saluatoris nostri Iesu Christi. Ego Uuihtredus rex Cantie, consulens anime meae in posterum, hanc prouidentiam pro diuersis calamitatibus imminentibus ecclesiis Dei atque monasteriis que in hac Cantia consistunt, una cum consensu principum meorum quorum nomina subterscribenda sunt, facere curaui ut ab omni exactione publici tributi atque dispendio uel lesione a presenti die et tempore liberae sint, mihique et posteris meis talem honorem uel oboedientiam exhibeant qualem exhibuerunt antecessoribus meis regibus sub quibus eis iustitia et libertas seruabatur, et ut tam ego quam posteri mei in hac pia definitione permaneant decerno, nec per quamlibet tergiuersationem que a nobis et a predecessoribus nostris recte indulta sunt concutiantur, sed ita ut iam iamque dictum est inperpetuum abhinc et deinceps Domino gubernante custodiantur, ad cuius cumulum firmitatis manu propria signum sancte crucis expressi et tamh reuerentissimum Berhtualdum archiepiscopum atque Gemmundum sanctissimum episcopum quam etiam uenerabiles presbyteros et religiosos abbates, presentibus itidem clarissimis abbatissis, hoc est Hirminhilda , Irminburga, Aeaba et Nerienda, ut subscriberent rogaui. Actum die .vi. idus Aprilis, anno regni mei .viii., indictione .xii., in loco qui appellatur Cilling.

+ Ego Uuihtredus rex Cantie ad omnia suprascripta et confirmata atque a me dictata propria manu signum sancte crucis pro ignorantia litterarum expressi.
+ Ego Berhtuualdus archiepiscopus ad omnia suprascripta rogatus a Uuihtredo rege testis subscripsi.
+ Ego Gemmundus episcopus rogatus testis subscripsi.
+ Ego Tobias presbyter rogatus testis subscripsi.
+ Ego Aeana presbyter rogatush testis subscripsi.
+ Ego Vinigeld presbyter rogatus testish subscripsi.
+ Ego Hadrianus indignus monachus rogatus testis subscripsi.
+ Ego Aedilmer abbas rogatus subscripsi.
+ Signum manus Uihtgari.
+ Signum manus Cyniadi.
+ Signum manus Ecca.
+ Signum manus Ueba.
+ Signum manus Headda.
+ Signum manus Headda.
+ Signum manus Suithbaldi.
+ Signum manus Scirieardi.
+ Signum manus Aedilfridi.
+ Signum manus Hagana.
+ Signum manus Beornheardi


Endorsements : ( 1 ) by the write of the Charter : + Lib [ er ] Wihtred king < ............. > s in Kent . ( 2) Not in the from of the Sts. xii The statute [ w] II, king of the liberty of Kent Latin.

In the name of the Lord God of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Wihtred I am the king of Kent, who took thought for my life in the future, and thus taking forethought for divers monasteries and the churches of God which are indicated in the calamities of this threatening to halt, Kent , with the consent of one of the princes of my subterscribenda whose names are , to make the public exaction of tribute from all , and see to it that the cost of injury or from they may be present on the day and at the time of , or obedience to exhibit such an honor to me and to my posterity what kind of justice And freedom for which, they are exhibited under the kings, my predecessors was preserved , and so that I as well as the definition of the pious remain determined to succeed me in this , and do not , by the subterfuges which may have , no matter how right granted by our predecessors and are shaken , but, as I already said the government kept forever ago, and forward , to increase stability, whose own hand sign of the holy cross and the most reverend tamh Berhtualdum Gebmund holy bishop, archbishop and also the venerable priests and religious abbots , present and likewise the most famous abbess , that is Hirminhilda , is Eormenhild , Aeaba and Nerienda subscribe asked . Executed on . Force . the ides of April , in the year of my kingdom. , viii. , levy. twelve . , in the place which is called Cilling .

Wihtred + I, king of Kent, and confirmed and all the above writings to the dictates of his own hand, the sign of the holy cross from me for the ignorance of writing .
+ I, Archbishop of Berhtuualdus being invited by the King Wihtred subscribed as a witness to all the above writings .
+ I Gebmund bishop asked the witness subscribed.
+ I asked Tobias priest witness subscribed.
+ I Aeana priest rogatush witness subscribed.
+ I Vinigeld priest asked testish subscribed.
+ I Hadrian unworthy monk asked witness subscribed.
+ I, at the request of the abbot Aedilmer subscribed.
+ Sign Uihtgari hand .
+ Sign Cyniadi hand .
+ Sign Ecca hand .
+ Sign Wæba hand .
+ Sign Headda hand .
 + Sign Headda hand .
 + Sign Suithbaldi hand .
 + Sign Scirheard hand .
+ Sign Æthelfrith hand .
+ Mark Hagan hand .
+ Sign hand Beornheardi

Translation by Google Translate.

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