To all true xpen people these prsent tres reeding heering or
seeing: I Thomas Clarenceu principall herauld and King of Arms of all the south
partes of this Realme of England sende due and humble recommendacons and
greetings as it belongeth in our Lord God euerlasting fforasmuch as many
persons of their noble & gentle courage, be moued & stirred to exercise
good virtues and Comendable maners and noble condicions, by which with gods grace
they shall nowe atteigne vnto the perfection of great honor & noblenes of
which persons, one there is in especiall called John Picton, borne of the
county of Chester gent. whose Ancestors were most in habit in the same county,
by whom I the said King of Armes, haue been tenderly prayed & required to
make throw serch for the uery Armes of his predecessors, at whose instance I
haue soe done, with all goodly diligence, and haue founde that the right Armes
of the said John Picton, and his Predecessors bee theise that is to saye: Hee
beareth sable a Lyon golde enarmed gules the field gowty of the same Lyon, the
creast upon the healme halfe a Lyon gules enarmed golde, sett within a wreath
gules & azure, the mantles sable gowty gold furred with ermyn as more plainly
appeareth here in the margin depict. which Armes and Creast I the said King
testifying the same, ratyfie and confirme vnto the said John and his posterity,
he and they to haue occupy and enioye the same Armes and Crest, vowably in
likewise as their pdecessors haue done herefore, and therein to bee reuested at
their pleasures, to their honor without any empechment, interruption, or lett
of any person or persons of the said prouince for euermore. In witness whereof,
I the said King of Armes to these psents haue put to the seale of myne Armes of
Authority, and signed the same with myne hand the yeere of our Lord God
mcccclxxxvi and our souereigne Lord Henry 7 the first yere: Clarencew King of
Harleian Society
Publications Volumes 76-77: A Collection of Miscellaneous Grants by Willoughby A. Littledale
(London: J. Whitehead & Son, 1925)
[Source: Fifteenth
Century Patents of Arms]
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