Hundreds of Atlantia's foeman know [his/her] might. Hundreds
of Atlantia's people delight in[his/her] courteous grace. All know [his/her]
worth and honor. Therefore We, <name> and<name> King and Queen of
Atlantia, do elect [him/her] to the Peerage of Our Kingdom. At the request of
the Chivalry and of Our Own desire do We gift the valiant and true <name>
with one of the greatest gifts in Our care. We this day dub [him/her] Knight.
May [his/her] skill and virtue continue to bring fame to [him/her] and to
Atlantia. (Further We do award [him/her] the sole and exclusive right to bear
by Letters Patent to wit: <blazon>.) Done this <date> of
<month>,[A.S./Anno Societatis] <year in Roman numerals> (in our
<branch>, at <event>).
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
(I, Triton Herald of
Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*)
Text by Gyrth
To all and singular unto whom these presents shall come,
<name>, King by right of arms, and<name>, Queen by virtue of her
courtesy, of the most Sovereign realm of Atlantia, send commendations and
greetings. In acknowledgement of <name>'s chivalry and martial prowess,
and after consultation with [his/her] Peers of Arms We hereby elevate Our
subject, <name> to the rank of Knight. Furthermore, do We affirm by these
Letters Patent [his/her] exclusive right to bear the arms <blazon>. (In
token whereof, We grant [him/her] the privilege of displaying about[his/her]
shield, in whole or in part, the achievement proper to this rank: to wit, a
helm argent garnished Or, a circular chain, a white belt, supporters, and a
mantling <color> doubled <metal>.)This We have done this <date>
day of <month>, A.S. <year in Roman numerals>.
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms
have been duly registered with the College
of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*
Adapted from Caid
To all and singular unto whom these presents do come,
greetings. <name> has proven
[his/her]Chivalry and Prowess on many a Field of honor and
[his/her] Nobility in myriad gentle skills so prized by the people of Atlantia
is known to all. Therefore do We, <name>, King by right of Arms, and
<name>, Our gentle Queen, hearing the acclaim of [his/her] Peers, find
[him/her]worthy to don the Belt, Chain and Spurs of a Knight of Our Realm, and
do joyfully award[him/her] the accolade. As a further sign and token of
[his/her] new found estate do We bestow by Letters Patent these arms:
<blazon> which shall be born henceforth by [him/her] and no other. In
witness whereof We here set Our Hands this <date> day of <month>,
A.S. <year in Roman numerals>, at<event> in Our <branch>.
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms
have been duly registered with the College
of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*
Text adapted from East Kingdom
To all present, and to come, who these letters shall see or
hear, <name> and <name>, Sovereign Rulers of Atlantia send
greeting. Reason ordains that men virtuous and of noble courage be rewarded by
certain signs of honor. And wherefore We by our own Knowledge and by the report
and testimony of Our Nobles are informed that <name> has long used
[himself/herself] in feats of arms and deeds of virtue and has borne
[himself/herself] worthily so that [he/she] is well deserved to be admitted
into the company of Knights of Our Realm. And for the remembrance of the same
We have awarded by Letters Patent the arms hereafter following: <blazon>.
In witness We have signed these presents with our hands this <date> day
of <month> A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our<branch> at
the <event.>
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
In obedience to the command of Their Majesties I have made
search in the registers and records of my office and do find that the aforesaid
<name> may lawfully bear these arms. In witness whereof I, Triton Herald,
set my hand.
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*
By ag.
To all and singular nobles and gentles, pay heed: We,
<name> and <name>, King and Queen of Atlantia here command your
attention. Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, Prudence, Strength, and
Temperance—these are the seven virtues of a Knight. By Our will and with the
voice of Our Order of Chivalry do We charge <name> to live by these
words, for We acknowledge [his/her] chivalry and martial prowess and hereby
elevate [him/her] to the rank of Knight of the Society. Further, We affirm by
Letters Patent [his/her] right to bear the arms: <blazon>. This We have
done on <date> day of <month> A.S. <year in Roman numerals>
in witness whereof We set Our hands
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
In obedience to the command of Their Majesties I have made
search in the registers and records of my office and do find that the aforesaid
<name> may lawfully bear these arms. In witness whereof I, Triton Herald,
set my hand.
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*
By Tristan Alexander.
[Source: Atlantian
Scribes Handbook (pdf)]
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