Monday, 7 October 2013

Atlantia Order of the Laurel Wording

Glittering in glory on Atlantia's diadem are the jewels of beauty and value. Such a jewel is the noble and expert <name>. With skilled hands and a wise heart, [he/she] [shapes/fashions, etc.][cloth/metal/thread] etc into wondrous beauty. The glory of these works reflects the good<name>'s own courtesy and shining honor. Because We can do no less and because We can do no more, We <name> and <name> , King and Queen of Atlantia at the urgent request of Our well beloved Order of the Laurel, do induct <name> into Our Order of the Laurel. (Further We do award [him/her] the sole and exclusive right to bear arms, to wit: <blazon>.) Done this <date> day of <month>, A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

*Space for Monarchs' signatures*

(By signature, Triton Herald testifies that the armories depicted herein belong to <name> to use bear and show forth at all time.

*Space for Triton Herald Signature*)

By Gyrth Oldcastle


Greetings unto all gentles and nobles unto whom these presents shall come, from King <name>and Queen <name> of the sovereign and dread realm of Atlantia. The excellence and endeavors of Our subject <name>, have moved Us, after consultation with the members of the Order, to elevate [him/her] to the most Noble Order of the Laurel. Done this <date> day of <month>,A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>. We affirm by these Letters Patent [his/her] exclusive right to bear the arms: <blazon>. (As further token of Our esteem, We grant [him/her] the privilege of displaying about [his/her] shield, in whole or in part, the achievement proper to the Order: to wit, a wreath of laurel vert, a helm argent garnished Or, supporters and mantling<color> doubled <metal>.) In testimony whereof, We here affix Our signature.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

*Space for Monarchs' signatures*

The Triton Herald hereby testifies that the armouries depicted and blazoned herein belong unto said <name> to use, bear, and show forth at all times.

*Space for Triton Herald Signature*

Adapted from texts from Caid/An Tir.


Come forward all, and know that We <name> and <name>, Sovereigns of fair Atlantia, recognizing that <name> has achieved great expertise in <field of art>, and recognizing furthermore [his/her] actions in teaching this knowledge to others, do now welcome [him/her] into the Order of the Laurel. Also do We award unto [him/her] the following arms by Letters Patent:<blazon>, with the sole and exclusive right to bear and display them throughout the Known World. In witness whereof We have set Our hands. Done this <date> day of <month>, A.S.<year in Roman numerals> (in our <branch>, at <event>).

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

*Space for Monarchs' signatures*

I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms.

*Space for Triton Herald Signature*

Text adapted from East Kingdom source.


Know all men by these presents that We, <name> and <name>, King and Queen of Atlantia, having elevated Our subject, <name> to the Order of the Laurel, do hereby award [him/her] a Patent of Arms. Having commanded Our heralds to devise a suitable blazon, We do grant unto[him/her] <blazon>. We do affirm [his/her] sole and exclusive right to bear these arms throughout the Known World. In witness whereof We set Our hand this <date> day of <month>, A.S.<year in Roman numerals> ((at <event>) (in our <branch>)).

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

*Space for Monarchs' signatures*

I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms.

*Space for Triton Herald Signature*

SCA Traditional text.


Come forward, all, and know that We <name>, by right of arms King of Atlantia, and <name> ,Queen of Atlantia and patroness of the arts, give greeting. Well pleased by <name>'s excellence[in/at/etc.] <field of expertise>, We do, by these Letters Patent and the acclaim of the Companions admit [him/her] to Our most noble Order of the Laurel. We affirm [his/her] right to bear <blazon> and as a further mark of Our esteem, We give [him/her] the privilege of displaying the token of the Order, that is, a laurel wreath vert on a field Or. Done by Our hands (in Our fair<branch>) this <date> day of <month>, A.S. <year in Roman numerals>.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

*Space for Monarchs' signatures*

I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms.

*Space for Triton Herald Signature*

SCA Traditional text.


 TO ALL AND SINGULAR as well Nobles and Gentills as others to whome these presents shall come <king> and <queen> King and Queen of the realm of Atlantia, sendeth greeting in our Grace everlasting.

 WHEREAS aunciently from the beginning the valiant and vertuous acts of worthie persons have ben comendid to the world with sondry monuments and remembrances of there good deserts Amongst the which the chiefest stand the peerages, which are curdent demonstrations of prowes, skill and valoir, which were devised in the beginning to show and find in the hearts of men vertue and noblenes. Even so hath the same been and yet is continually observed to the end that such as have done comendable service to their Prince or Contry either in war or peace may receive due honor in their lives.

 AND being deserved, <name>, is hereby elevated by bestowal of Arms Patent and admitted into the most Worthy Order of the Laurel. Whereupon We have directed our herehaults accordingly and do finde that the saide <name> may beare these armes and hereafter following THAT IS

TO SAY <blazon> and every part and parcell thereof by power and authority unto Our Rule do ratifie confirme and allowe unto and for the saide <name> according to the Lawe of Armes to have and enjoy forever without impediment let or interuption of any person or persons

 IN WITNES WHEROF We <king> and <queen> have set hereunto Our hand, and seal this <date> day of <month> in the year of the Society <year in Roman numerals>.

(* space for Royal Signatures *)

Rex Regina

I Triton principall herehault of Armes of Atlantia made searche accordingly in the Registers and Records of my Office and do finde that the saide <name> may beare these armes.

(* space for Triton's signature *)

By Eldred AElfwald, adapted from 1576 Patent.

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