Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Lochac Award of Arms Wording

Let it be known that we Name by right of Arms King of Lochac and Name by grace  and beauty, Queen of Lochac give greetings.

We are honored to recognize Recipients name for the service and skills that they have brought to our realm. We therefore command that they consult with our heralds and devise unique arms.

Done by our hand and seal this day of month anno societatis year being year in the common era.

Suitable titles ie King, Rex etc Queen, Regina etc


Let it be known that we Name by right of Arms King of Lochac and Name by grace  and beauty, Queen of Lochac give greetings.

We are both honored and privileged to acknowledge the contributions to our realm by our members of our populace.

We thus pleased to confer an Award of Arms on recipients name and thus command that they consult with out heralds to develop unique and suitable arms.

(If they have arms already insert instead.)

We confirm to them to bear the following arms to wit; enter exactly the blazon on the registered arms.

Done by our hand and seal this day of month anno societatis year being year in the common era.

Suitable titles ie King, Rex etc Queen, Regina etc

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