We,_____ and ______, King and
Queen of the Outlands, to all and singular send Greetings. Whereas _______ has,
[as a result of [his/her] great valor on the field of honor][through the valor of
[his/her] champion], ruled once as a [King/Queen] in this Realm, we do this day
acknowledge [him/her] a [Count/Countess]. We hereby confer by these Letters Patent
those Arms previously registered by the College of Arms, to wit: <BLAZON>
for [Count/Countess] ________'s sole and unique use throughout the lands of the
Known World as a symbol of [his/her] high rank. {Furthermore, it is Our will
that she be welcomed into the Order of the Rose as an example of those noble
virtues embodied by the Queens of the
By Our hands this ___ day of
___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
_______________, King
______________, Queen
The College of Arms ,
finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive
use to <NAME>.
_______________, White Stag
Principal Herald
Be it known unto all that We
______ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands in rightful succession to
<Past King’s first name> and <Past Queen’s first name> send
Greetings. In recognition that Our loyal subject ______ has once served as
[King/Queen] of this Realm, offering [his valorous skills in battle], [her
grace and courtesy to all] and given of [his/her] wisdom in council and in
court, We are pleased to invest [him/her] as [Count/Countess], to bear all
rights and responsibilities of this high rank. We hereby confer by these
Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the College of Arms ,
to wit: <BLAZON> for [Count/Countess] ________'s sole and exclusive use throughout
the lands of the Known World. {Furthermore, it is Our will that she be welcomed
into the Order of the Rose as an example of those noble virtues embodied by the
Queens of the Outlands.}
Done by Our hands this ___
day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
__________, King __________,
The College of Arms ,
finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive
use to <NAME>.
If recipient is already a peer, change [We hereby
elevate, by these Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the
College of Arms] to [We hereby affirm by Letters Patent those arms previously
registered by the College of Arms] If the recipient does not have a registered
name and device, the award may be treated as a promissory and the following
portion may be used.
Otherwise, omit all reference to Arms, and treat the
scroll as a final.
[We further charge
[Count/Countess] ________ to consult with Ourselves and Our Heralds to devise suitable
and unique Arms.]
[Source: Kingdom
of the Outlands Scribe’s Handbook (pdf)]
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