Let it be known to all to
whom these presents come that We (name of King) Rex and (name of Queen) Regina , have found the
many works and services, especially (reason for award) of Our right noble (name
of recipient) to be of merit. Thus We give unto him/her these Arms, blazoned
(blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added later). Done at (event) in Our
(hosting group) on this (#) day of (month) Anno Societatis (year
**Signatures of King and
For service:
Attend and know that We, (names
of King and Queen), King and Queen of AEthelmearc hope not only to embellish,
but to increase the dignity of Our Realm when We dispense titles of honor.
(recipient’s name) has distinguished him/herself through countless hours of
unseen labor and an enthusiasm to assist whenever needed. As a token of Our
high esteem for those who render such useful and admirable service, We find it
Our noble duty and great joy to Award unto him/her Arms: (blazon Arms or leave
space for them to be added later). Done before all those assembled to witness
Our Court this (#) day of (month), Anno Societatis (year) in the (name of
hosting group)
**Signatures of King and
For a Norse persona:
There was a man/woman called
(name of recipient), strong/fair and wise and of great honor, fearless,
generous, even tempered and faithful to his/her friends, but careful in his/her
choice of them. His/Her renown was such that (names of King and Queen) King and
Queen of AEthelmearc for his/her works as (reason for award) did give him/her
the right to bear these Arms: (blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added
later). And this was done on the (#) day of (month) AS (year) at (event) in Our
(name of hosting group).
**Signatures of King and
We, (name of King and Queen)
Rex and Regina of AEthelmearc, knowing well the many good works of Our most
worthy servant, (name of recipient) as (reason for award), do Award unto
him/her the sole and exclusive right to these Arms throughout the Known World:
(blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added later). Given this (#) day of
(month) AS (year) at (event) in Our (name of hosting group).
**Signatures of King and Queen**
For an artist:
Attend good gentles one and
all. Hear these words of praise and commendation. We, (King’s name), King by
right of arms and (Queen’s name), by grace and courtesy, Queen of Sylvan
AEthelmearc have the great duty and privilege to recognize those whose skill
and knowledge of the arts increases the beauty of Our fair land. (recipient’s
name) has greatly added to the splendor of Our Realm. We are pleased to Award
unto him/her these Arrms: (blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added
later). Done before those assembled this (#) day of (month) in Our (hosting
**Signatures of King and
For a fighter:
By his deeds, (recipient) has
distinguished himself on the field of battle as a skilled and honorable
combatant. We, (name of King and Queen), King & Queen of AEthelmearc do
acknowledge his/her martial prowess and Award unto him/her these Arms: (blazon
Arms or leave space for them to be added later). Given this (#) day of (month)
AS (year) at (event).
**Signatures of King and
[Source: Kingdom
of Æthelmearc Sample Scroll Wordings site]
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