As the curtain of night draws across the sky at the end of
each day, the stars appear to aid weary travelers on their way. Of all these
glowing guides each night, one shines brightest, illuminating with confidence
and strength, granting peace of mind to those seeking to find their path. Such
is so within Fair AEthelmearc. Our populace is like that night sky, filled with
the bright talents of Our people, resplendent with deeds of chivalry, honor and
knowledge. We have taken comfort in the efforts of this man/woman. Always a
quiet presence, often behind the scenes, he/she in nonetheless omnipresent and
tireless when work is to be done. Most importantly, this man/woman is the
epitome of chivalry and there is nothing We value more. Thus do We name
(recipient’s name) as the (get # of Jewel from Signet) Jewel of AEthelmearc.
Done by the hand of (king’s name) King by Right of Arms and (Queen’s name) Our
chosen Queen at (event -date -AS)
**Signatures of King and Queen**
Brightest treasures of Fair AEthelmearc, each one a glowing
inspiration. Until this day they have numbered only (get # of Jewel from
Signet) so rare and precious the qualities that set them apart. We, (King’s
name), King of AEthelmearc by right of arms, and (Queen’s name), respected
& beloved Queen do not make lords & ladies, companions of any order or
even Peers. It is Our duty and great joy to affirm and publicly recognize that
which already exists. On this (#) day of (month), AS (year) as we celebrate
(event) in Our (hosting group), (recipient’s name) is welcomed as the (#) Jewel
of AEthelmearc. In this good & noble lord/lady We see the embodiment of
chivalry in thought, counsel & deed. He/she is truly a priceless jewel –
worthy of the token & esteem.
**Signatures of King and Queen**
[Source: Kingdom
of Æthelmearc Sample Scroll Wordings site]
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