Be it known that We, (name of King) King of AEthelmearc, and
(name of Queen), Our Queen, have long observed the activity in the Art(s) of
(particular art/arts) of Our most noble servant (name of recipient) and know
him/her to be worthy of recognition and advancement for the improvements caused
in Our Realm by his/her tireless efforts. Therefore do We create him/her a
Companion of Our Order of the Fleur d’AEthelmearc, by these letters and the
great acclaim of the Companions thereof. **In further recognition of his/her
achievements do WE Grant unto him/her these Arms. (blazon Arms or leave space
for them to be added later) Given this (#) day of (month) in the Year of the
Society (year) at (event) in Our (name of hosting group).
**Signatures of King and Queen**
[Source: Kingdom
of Æthelmearc Sample Scroll Wordings site]
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