Thursday, 3 October 2013

Æthelmearc Order of the Fleur d’Æthelmearc Wording

Be it known that We, (name of King) King of AEthelmearc, and (name of Queen), Our Queen, have long observed the activity in the Art(s) of (particular art/arts) of Our most noble servant (name of recipient) and know him/her to be worthy of recognition and advancement for the improvements caused in Our Realm by his/her tireless efforts. Therefore do We create him/her a Companion of Our Order of the Fleur d’AEthelmearc, by these letters and the great acclaim of the Companions thereof. **In further recognition of his/her achievements do WE Grant unto him/her these Arms. (blazon Arms or leave space for them to be added later) Given this (#) day of (month) in the Year of the Society (year) at (event) in Our (name of hosting group).
**Signatures of King and Queen**

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