We, (name of King & Queen) King and Queen of
AEthelmearc, having heard much of the prowess of Our brave and loyal (name of
recipient) in (martial area) and knowing well his/her worth, do induct him/her
into Our most noble Order of the Golden Alce and in further recognition of
his/her achievements Award unto him/her these Arms, blazoned: (blazon Arms or
leave space for them to be added later). In witness whereof We have set Our
Hand this (#) day of (month), A.S. (year) at (event) in (name of hosting
**Signatures of King and Queen**
Behold, among the proud and mighty warriors of AEthelmearc
(recipient’s name) stands at the ready with bow and arrows (sword & shield
…axe & knife…etc.). None can deny their prowess or the amount of time and
effort this good lord/lady has devoted to the noble sport of archery (melee,
thrown weapons, etc). We (name of King), King of AEthelmearc by Right of Arms
and (name of Queen), Queen and glorious inspiration wish to recognize these
accomplishments and induct him/her into Our Order of the Golden Alce ** and in
further recognition Award unto him/her Arms blazoned thusly: (blazon Arms or
leave space for them to be added later) Done before all those here assembled to
witness Our Court. Held this (#) day of (month) A.S. (year) at this (event
**Signatures of King and Queen**
[Source: Kingdom
of Æthelmearc Sample Scroll Wordings site]
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