Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Trimaris Order of the Emerald Seas Wording

Queenly gratitude may be hard-won, but Queenly reward shall not fail to follow. Know ye here that there is one who has rendered unto Me such devotion and friendship that it cannot go unrecognized, and therefore do We summon forth ____________ to join the Order of the Emerald Sea. So done My hand on the __________ day of _____, A.S._______.


A ship upon the storm-tossed seas may seek shelter, even as We do sometimes find refuge in those who uphold us with special devotion and friendship. We do confer honor on those who so sustain us, and therefore do We name  _____________ to the Order of the Emerald Sea. So witnessed by My hand upon the __________ day of _____, A.S._______.


Calm and strong as the green ocean which lofts mighty ships upon its shoulders, so have you , _________________ , upheld Me with friendship and service. It is therefore, My pleasure as Queen (Consort) of Trimaris, to bestow upon you the Order of the Emerald Sea. Done by My hand and seal this _____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____.


To all to whom these presents do come, greetings. Know that even as the green ocean, calm and strong, lofts mighty ships upon its shoulders, so has __________________ upheld Us with friendship and service. It is therefore Our pleasure to bestow you the Order of the Emerald Sea. Signed and sealed by My hand this _____ day of _____, Anno Societas

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