Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Trimaris Order of the Golden Galleon Wording

Responsibility and service to the Dream should be recognized. We the Crown Trimaris have seen these qualities in one whose service has been exemplary in making Our gatherings part of that Dream, and therefore doname _______ as a Companion of the Order of the Golden Galleon. So given on this ____ day of _____, A.S. ________.


We celebrate our Dream with music and dance, with noble combat, feasts, and with display of arts. It is needful that We acknowledge those whose great dedication can bring joy to us all, and therefore We the Crown Trimaris proclaim __________________ a Companion to the Order of the Golden Galleon, so done on this _______ day of ______, A.S. ________.

Responsibility and service to the Dream should be recognized. Those who shoulder that responsibility and service to present Our populace with such outstanding achievement as an autocrat must be made known. Forexceptional service as an Event Steward, [Optional: “at (event name) ________, held upon __(date)____.” Add only at Signet Herald’s request.] We, the Crown Trimaris, do recognize ________ as a Companion of the
Order of the Golden Galleon. So given on this ____ day of _____, A.S. ________.


We live Our Dream by the good services of those shoulder the responsibilities of our gatherings. We the Crown Trimaris know well those responsibilities and laud
______________ for excellence of such service as an Event Steward. [Optional: “at (event name) ________, held upon __(date)____.” Add only at Signet Herald’s request.]
 We do therefore this _______ day of ______, A.S. _______, name them as Companion to the Order of the Golden Galleon.


Leadership, patience, responsibility, and dedication are qualities required to make the Dream live. We the Crown Trimaris have seen these qualities and more in
____________, whose service as an Event Steward [Optional: “at (event name) ________, held upon __(date)____.” Add only at Signet Herald’s request.] is exemplar to us all. We call them forward to be acclaimed a Companion to the Order of the Golden Galleon, so done on this _______ day of ______, A.S. ________

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