Thursday, 10 October 2013

West Kingdom Promissory Note for Award of Arms Wording

Kingdom Text:

Whereas it has come to Our notice that through diverse great efforts Our subject (Insert full Name of recipient) has considerably enriched Our realm, it is thus Our pleasure to reward him/her with an Award of Arms. We grant him/her the rights and charge him/her with the responsibilities of this rank, and We further grant him/her the right to bear as Arms such device as he/she may properly register with Our heralds, in this Our Kingdom and throughout the Known World.

(Insert optional ending and do not forget the date the award was given.)

Principality Text:

Whereas it has come to Our notice that through diverse great efforts Our subject (Insert full Name of recipient) has considerably enriched Our realm, it is thus Our pleasure to reward him/her with an Award of Arms. We grant him/her the rights and charge him/her with the responsibilities of this rank, and We further grant him/her the right to bear as Arms such device as he/she may properly register with Our heralds, in this Our Principality and throughout the Known World.

(Insert optional ending and do not forget the date the award was given.)

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