Thursday, 3 October 2013

An Tir Order of the Carp Wording

During the reign of King Dak, Her Majesty Lao Tao-sheng resolved to honor those who had striven for excellence in persona development, persevering in their task. In China, the Carp is symbolic of perseverence, thus, Queen Lao chose the carp to mark those whose accomplishments in this endeavor were worthy of notice and praise. She decreed that, in the manner of her homeland, members of the Order should display this badge as token of Her esteem: Gules a carp haurient embowed Or. 

________________________, as you strive for excellence in your persona, We, ____________ King An Tir and ____________ Queen An Tir, your rightful Monarchs, do laud your efforts and so enter your name into the rolls of the Order of the Carp that you, as the carp itself, may serve as an example of perseverence and accomplishment. Done by Our hand and seal this ____________ day of (month)______________ A.S.________

 [Source: An Tir College of Scribes site]

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