Saturday 5 October 2013

Artemisia Queen’s Champion Wording

Many and valiant are the warriors of Artemisia. From the newest of soldiers to those who bear the Gryphon's Talon, justly do they seek renown. Nobly would they advance the names of those whom they honor. Her Royal Majesty Caryn, 8th Queen of Artemisia, wishing to recognize these warriors and to provide them with an opportunity to display their skills in the arts of peace as well as their skill at arms, did call for a tournament. So it was, that at the Coronation of Sean II and Caryn, many fighters of the Kingdom gathered on the shores of Loch Salann to display their skill at arms and compete for the privilege of representing their Queen. At the end of this fierce competition ____[leave a whole line blank for the name]____________ did stand undefeated and was thus named Queen's Champion. He [or She] will stand first in defense of the Queen and will serve as an example of courtly grace. Done the 14th day of January, Anno Societatis XXXV, being the year MMI by the common reckoning.

Regina Artemisia

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