In this Realm of Atlantia, the fairest and most prized are
our Ladies of the Rose. <Name> inspired her champion to win a Kingdom for
her. Once enthroned, she ruled with grace, wisdom, and justice. Therefore, do
We, <name> and <name>, King and Queen of Atlantia, perform the
joyous rite of proclaiming the Fair and True <name> a Lady of the Rose,
for her gentle excellence demands it, and a Countess, for Our Honor demands no
less glory for this Fair Flower of Our Realm. (Further We do affirm Her the
sole and exclusive right to bear arms, by Letters Patent, to wit:
<blazon>.) Done this <date> of <month>, A.S. <year in
Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
(I, Triton Herald of
Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*)
By Gyrth Oldcastle
Queens enrich the virtue and splendor of Our Realm for they
inspire all to courtesy, gentility, and bright glory. One such lady has ruled
this Realm and won our love. For love of Her, do We,<name> and
<name>, King and Queen of Atlantia, seek to heap honor upon Her and
clothe Her name in radiance and nobility. We proclaim Her a Countess of Our
Realm. We proclaim Her as worthy of all dignity, admiration, and emulation.
Moreover, We proclaim her a Lady of the Rose and do induct Her into the most
admirable of orders. (Further We do affirm Her the sole and exclusive right to bear
arms, by Letters Patent, to wit: <blazon>.) Done this <date> of
<month>,A.S. in our <branch>, at <event>.
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
(I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have
been duly registered with the College
of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*)
By Gyrth Oldcastle
[Source: Atlantian
Scribes Handbook (pdf)]
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