Let it be known to all Our subjects: We, <name> and <name>,
King and Queen of Atlantia, have noted the long and faithful service given Our
realm by <name>. In recognition of which do We this day confer upon
[him/her] the dignity, honor, and splendor of a [Baron/Baroness] of Our Court
and the privilege of the use and display of a Baronial Coronet. (Further We do
award [him/her] the sole and exclusive right to bear arms, to wit:
<blazon>.) Done this <date> of<month>, A.S. <year in Roman
numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
(I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms
have been duly registered with the College
of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald Signature*)
Text adapted from East Kingdom
Greetings to all nobles and gentles from <name> and
<name> King and Queen of Atlantia. It is Our prerogative as King and
Queen of this Realm to honour those of Our subjects whose noble attributes have
pleased Us with the title of [Baron/Baroness] in Our Court. This title is in
addition to any rank [he/she] may hold, and is given in appreciation of
contributions to Our Kingdom. Thus do We name <name> [Baron/Baroness] in
the Kingdom of Atlantia from this <date> day of
<month> A.S./ Anno Societatis <year in Roman numerals> and confer
upon [him/her] the privilege of the use and display of a Baronial Coronet.
(Further We do award [him/her] the sole and exclusive right to bear arms, to
wit: <blazon>.)
(*Place confirmation text here if required*)
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
(I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms
have been duly registered with the College
of Arms .
*Space for Triton Herald signatures*)
Text adapted from Caid
See, hear, read and understand these words. It is Our
prerogative, as King and Queen of Atlantia, to honor with the title of
[Baron/Baroness] those of Our subjects whose noble attributes have pleased Us.
We <name> and <name> do hereby name <name> [Baron/Baroness]
of the Court of Atlantia, in appreciation of [his/her] gentle courtesy and
[his/her] services to Our Kingdom. By Our hand this <date> day of
<month>, A.S./Anno Societatis <year in Roman numerals>
*Space for Monarchs' signatures*
By Johanna von
[Source: Atlantian
Scribes Handbook (pdf)]
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