Monday, 7 October 2013

Atlantia Grant of Arms Wording

Know all by these presents that We <name> and <name>, King and Queen of Atlantia, having determined to give a Grant of Arms to Our subject <name>, for [his/her] service to Our Realm, do hereby affirm [his/her] [sole/unique] and exclusive right to bear <blazon> (place augmentation text after the blazon if required; see below). In witness thereof We set Our hand. Done this<date> of <month>, A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

 Rex Regina Regina

I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do confirm these arms may be rightfully borne.

*Space for Triton signature*


[Be it known/Let it be known/Know all men] by these present letters that We, <name>, King by right of Arms of this Sovereign Realm of Atlantia, and <name> , Our Queen Consort, in keeping with the duties and privileges accorded with the rule of Our
Kingdom here bestow upon <name>a Grant of Arms and confer upon [him/her] all the honors, privileges and responsibilities inherent there unto. In recognition of this We Grant unto [him/her] the sole right to bear without hindrance these Arms: <blazon> (follow with augmentation text if required). Done this <date> of <month>,A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

Rex Regina

Verum est.

*Space for Triton signature or seal.*


Attend all gentle persons and nobles unto whom these presents shall come, for <name> and<name>, King and Queen of Atlantia, send commendations and greetings. Our subject, <name>hath pleased Us greatly by [his/her] service to Our Realm (, most especially in <area of service or office held>). We choose to honor [him/her] with a Grant of Arms and hereby affirm [his/her]right to bear <blazon> (followed by augmentation if required). In token and witness whereof We have set our hand. Done this <date> of <month>, A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

 Rex Regina

I, Triton Herald of Atlantia, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms.

(* Space for Triton's signature*)

By Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen


Right mindful of the excellence of the many tasks performed by <name> in service to the Crown and Kingdom We, <name>, by right of arms Sovereign King of Atlantia and <name> , Our gracious Queen, do commend [his/her] efforts and acknowledge their worth. Therefore do We, from this day henceforth, grant [him/her] the right to bear <blazon> without let or hindrance from any person in accordance with the laws and tradition of Our Kingdom. (Place augmentation text here if required; e.g., [further do
We augment said Arms, to wit: ]). In affirmation We set Our hands. Done this <date> of <month>, A.S. <year in Roman numerals> in our <branch>, at <event>.

(*Place confirmation text here if required*)

 Rex Regina

The college of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to the named noble person.

*Space for Triton signature or seal.*

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