Monday, 7 October 2013

Atlantia Sea Urchin Wording

The children of Atlantia bring joy and gladness to Our hearts. They are the new lifeblood of Our Kingdom and through their lives enrich us all. It is Our desire to reward the good deeds done by the young gentlepersons of Our Realm. We, <name> and <name>, King and Queen of Atlantia therefore make <name> a member of Our Order of the Sea Urchin. Done this <day> day of <month> A.S. <year in Roman numerals>.

(* place confirmation text here if required *)

* space for Monarch’s signatures *

Rex Regina

By Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen


The young people of Our Realm bring joy to Our hearts and make the day more bright by their presence. Their laughter is music to Our ears. Today We have noted that <name> has, for a time, put away [his/her] toys and has performed tasks of benefit to Our lands. In recognition of this service do We, <name> and <name>, King and Queen of Atlantia, hereby induct [him/her] into Our Order of the Sea Urchin. Done in accordance with Our Royal Will this <day> day of <month> A.S. <year in Roman numerals>.

(* place confirmation text here if required *)

* space for Monarch’s signatures *

Rex Regina

By Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen


As our Fierce warriors defend our frontiers, so youth defend our future. For without a hope of tomorrow, what is today? We, <king's name> and <queen's name>, Monarchs of Atlantia, do find in our faithful servant, <recipient name> such hope. Through [his/her] words and deeds [he/she] has proven that age is no barrier to service. Therefore we Proudly claim [him/her] as our own and make [him/her] a member of the Order of the Sea Urchin with all rights, privledges, duties, and responsibilities therewith. Done by our hands, this <day> day of <month> A.S.<year in Roman numerals> (at <event>).

(* place confirmation text here if required *)

* space for Monarch’s signatures *

 Rex Regina

By James of Middle Aston


Though small in size, the Sea Urchin swims strong against the ocean's buffets. So too does the strength of Atlantia's future lie in our smallest members, Our Children. <Name> is one such example of Atlantia's future. Service and enthusiasm so great in one so young is deserving of reward. So do We <King's name>, Rex and <Queen's name>, Regina, award <name> membership in the Order of the Sea Urchin, so that [he/she] may be encouraged to continue [his /her] service as part of Atlantia's glorious future. Done by our hands, this <day> day of <month> A.S.<year in Roman numerals> (at <event>). 

(* place confirmation text here if required *)

* space for Monarch’s signatures *

 Rex Regina

By Kilmeny Jokulsdottir


Small hands may do great works. The works of <name> are so worthy as to draw the attention of a King and Queen. Thus do We <name>and <name> award the noble <name> Our Award of the Sea Urchin this <date>day of <month>, A. S. <year in Roman numerals> in our lands of <group>.

 Rex Regina

By Bryce de Byrum

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