[king] et [queen], Roi et Reine de Drachenwald, a
notre amie et feale[recipient]. Salut. En essaucement de la Societe &
accroissement d'onneur, on a ordene de faire une Compaignie, qui est appellee
l'Ordre du Laurier. Et les compaignons portent la devise d'une couronne de
laurier d'or. Et tous les compaignons d'icellui seront tenus et jureront a leur
entree que il donront le bon exemple de Courtoisie & de Chevalerie. Et
prometeront avoir bonne et vray amour aux Souverains et deffendre et maintenir
les lois du roialme et les statuts de la Societe. Et prometeront faire service
aux Souverains a leur povoir. Et prometeront enrichir le roialme par les
honnourables faictz et bonnes oeuvres et sages conseils. Et jureront que il
donront loyal conseil au Souverains et adviseront a nommer des nouvel
compaignons de l'ordre. Et vous avons eslu a estre du nombre de ladite
Compaignie, & pensons a faire a [event]. Si soyez audit jour & lieu, se
vous povez bonnement, a tout votre habit. Donne le [day] jour de [month]
l'an de la Societe [year].
Translation: [king]
and [queen], King and Queen of Drachenwald, to our friend and faithful subject
[recipient] Greetings. In exaltation of the Society and increase of honour, it
was ordained to create a Company, which is called the Order of the Laurel . And the
companions wear the badge of a gold laurel wreath. And all the companions of
this order will be held and will swear at their entrance that they will give a
good example of Courtesy and Chivalry. And they will promise to have good and
true love to the Sovereigns and to defend and maintain the laws of the kingdom
and the statutes of the Society. And they will promise to serve the Sovereigns
to their power. And they will promise to enrich the kingdom by honorable deeds
and good works and wise counsels. And they will promise that they will give
loyal counsel to the Sovereigns and advise them in naming new companions of the
order. And we have chosen you to be of the number of said Company, and we
intend to do so at [event]. Be there at said day and place, if you are well
able, in your habit. Given the [number] day of [month] in the year of the
Society [year].
contributed by Lady
Aryanhwy merch Catmael, written by Dame Ursula Georges and based on the statues
of the Order of the Golden Fleece, a letter informing the recipient that he has
been granted entry into the Company of the Star, and the statutes of the
Society for Creative Anachronism.
[Source: Kingdom of
Drachenwald site]
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