Thursday, 3 October 2013

Drachenwald Order of Panache Wordings

To all those who shall see or hear these present letters [king] and [queen] King and Queen of Drachenwald greeting and recommendation. Equity requires and reason ordains that men virtuous and of good skill and knowledge be rewarded for their merits by renown and recognition. And therefore We who not only by common renown but also by the report and testimony of other noble men worthy of credence are truly advertised and informed that [recipient] has long persued feats of [area of A&S speciality] and as well in this as in other of [his/her] affairs has borne [himself/herself] valiantly and conducted himself honourably so that [he/she] deserved well and is well worth that henceforth [he/she] may be in all places honourably admitted renowned counted number and received among the number and in the company of Our Order of the Panache. And for the remembrance of this we assign to the said [recipient] the right to bear the blazon in the manner which follows. That is to say a torteau charged with a bezant pierced sable issuant from the chief three feathers gules, Or, and sable. In witness whereof We King and Queen of Drachenwald above named have signed our hands and sealed with our seal and given the [number] day of [month] in the year of the society [year].

contributed by Lady Aryanhwy merch Catmael, based on the 1459/60 grant of arms to John Alfrey.

Companions of the Order of Panache have marked themselves as worthy of renown by their skill and knowledge of the gentle arts, and it is the privilege of the crown to augment the number of this company with deserving gentles. One such is [recipient], and thus it is the will of [king] and [queen], king and queen of Drachenwald, to make the said [recipient] a member of the said Order, and give [him/her] the right to bear the badge of the order depicted in the margin below. Done on this the [number] day of [month] a.s. [year].

contributed by Lady Aryanhwy merch Catmael.

[Source: Kingdom of Drachenwald site]

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